
Yacht Lück vor Sizilien: Taucher Bergen Leichen – auch Mike Lynch under the Opfern – Panorama

Yacht Lück vor Sizilien: Taucher Bergen Leichen – auch Mike Lynch under the Opfern – Panorama

Go to the sinking of the superyacht Bayesian Before Sizilien is on Donnerstag tomorrow, a nice Leiche from the Inneren of the Segelboots can be salvaged. Spezialtaucher brought the Körper from the British Yacht, which lies in 50 Metern Tiefe auf Grund, and the Oberfläche. British tech billionaire Mike Lynch, 59, is one of the few people identified. Authority over the rettungskräfte jetzt nur noch nach seiner 18 Jahre alten Tochter.

Bei dem Unglück am Montagabend kamen offenbar sieben Menschen ums Leben. Bereits nach kurzer Zeit war die Leiche des Schiffskochs im Wasser is opened; They were both recovered from the wreckage. Auf Höhlen spezialierte Taucher der Feuerwehr kannten in tie in 49 Metern Tiefe lying Schiff endrings and sich alongsam zu de Kabinen vorarbeiten. 15 People overloaded the Untergang, while Lynchs Ehefrau.

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By Patrick Illinger

The British media reports generate a high flight, which is shown in a Luftblas, is worth gold as extremely unarmed. One of the possibilities is the Spitzenbanker Jonathan Bloomer, 70, former broadcaster of the investment bank Morgan Stanley, who is an international Top-Anwalt. The Kabinen are located on the Unterdeck, on the Zahl plus the Eignersuite, which is located in Heck.

The reports about a small portion of the messages in the Schiff area, which after listening to the page lies, were the work to a wash. “It is a Unity in Kleinformat“, said a firefighters speaker in winter 2012 for the Insel Giglio spectacle on a brightly decorated Kreuzfahrtschiff. Die Costa Concordia geriet teilweise under Wasser, 32 Menschen starben. “I am inwardly the Schiffes, the space is small, and if a man is on an obstacle, it is necessary to compliziert forwärtszukommen, so who is also quick, you can find alternative routes.” The Taucher can now live under Wasser for a few minutes, and lose davon Time for the Ab- and Aufstieg. Mittlerweile is an expert on Genoa am Wrack, which lasts longer than the wash; the Team war 2012 both Costa Concordia dabei. There is a Tauchroboter in Einsatz.

What is the cause of the errors in the calculation?

The luxury is In my own company, the Lynch’s retteter Ehefrau gehört. With the middle journey, Lynch wants to work for its great business processes, while they go a huge amount of software company autonomy and the IT giants Hewlett-Packard; Lynch had eleven billion dollar losses. The Segelyacht, which is currently larger than the Gatung gehört, is built with a very long mast of 75 meters, which was anchored in the night during the night before the port of Porticello, without being anchored in Palermo, and where it will be tomorrow in the open air. with grim winds passing by. An Bord was insgesamt 22 Menschen. 15 of my friends were brought back to Dunkelheit and brought to a country – quickly the joint settlement, with few passengers.

Experts and experts who improve the quality of the shoes will be so unclear that their meter will yield a smaller boat. The downfall of a great yacht gilded as the most unrealistic. If the captain reports one of the lies of the boat, there is even a war going on, which stabilizes Schiff. If there is anything else, the war dies Bayesian ready disappeared. Generally it is so that the catastrophe lasts only a few minutes. If you are looking for a villa in a villa in a country, you will see the sailing ship near only 60 seconds disappeared.

The last hypothesis is that the Sturms are influenced by a Flutwelle in the kürzester Zeit a large Menge Wasser vom Heck her final rank, possibly by an offensive Tür. After the media reports have become the Taucher, the position of the Segelschiffs has changed to the previous position. It is true that the einlaufen are in the right position, but a ausgefahrenes Schwert had the Boat in strong wind stabilization. When this information increases, the satisfaction of the heavy Fehler begins. There are still reports that there is a problem with the Anfang.