
Metropole Ruhr: Zukunftsgärten der IGA 2027

Metropole Ruhr: Zukunftsgärten der IGA 2027

The IGA 2027 is coming! The largest garden festival of the world’s guests is set to change in 2027 in the Metropolis Ruhr and in the region. One of the main reasons for the stride is the Road from the Ruhr area to the green industrial region of the world. Davon was able to manage a high-level delegation from politics, connections and economics, the Minister of Agriculture and Consumer Protection of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia Silke Gorissen, in the Mitwoch.


The State Government and the Supervision of the Ministry for Agriculture and Consumer Protection of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia have made an important contribution to the approval of the entry-required future garden stands during a festivity event for the entry-required future garden stands. IGA Annual Report 2027 sorted.

Both were being sought Gelsenkirchen refuge (in the Noorderpark) and Dortmund (on the Areal der Kokerei Hansa). Take a look at the Duisburg Zukunftsgarten and see the three new construction areas of the International Gartenausstellung Metropole Ruhr 2027. Here, the work progresses with high pressure, including spectacular new perspectives.

Sachkundig geführt with the delegation van der IGA 2027-Geschäftsführung Horst Fischer and Nina Frense. Auch RVR-Regionaldirektor Garrelt Duin was as the Vorsitzender of the IGA-Aufsichtsrates mit dabei: “The IGA 2027 is now more like a Blumenschau”, he said. “We are constantly changing our environment in the Ruhr area.” Fischer said: “Eine Solche Unterstützung is not selbstverständlich in Zeiten enger beder der Finanzieller

“Spielräume and zeit nogmal the great relevance of projects and the great substantiation of politics.”

Ministerin lobs Zukunftsgarten

Minister Silke Gorissen looks clear beeindruckt vom Zukunftsgarten in Gelsenkirchen run another coal bunker in the Nordsternpark, from 2027 in a permanent and facade-covered “Greentower” is transformed: “The International Garden Exhibition 2027 would give an impetus to the future of the Ruhr area setzen. Here in Gelsenkirchen people were often helped, but the design power in the garden construction is stuck. With garden inspection we have more green, plants and flowers in the city – everything improves the quality of life. Make sure that the construction of the green infrastructure and the tragedy of the structure of the city and the region come together. North Rhine-Westphalia is the Federal Land of Garden Construction No. 1, so, the production of plants had started as one of the most advanced quality instruments and know-how. The Bunte Vielfalt and Schönheit des Gartenbaus would be viewed here in the Gelsenkirchen ‘Zukunftsgarten’. The Neugestaltung of the Nordsternparken on the most evil Zechengelände can distinguish the Entwicklung of the Stadtile Horst and Heßler positive statures and the Identity of Man with his Zuhause. I would be happy to attend the IGA 2027 here in Gelsenkirchen.”

Gelsenkirchen’s Mayor Karin Welge said: “The BUGA 1997 is a beautiful park in Gelsenkirchen as a showpiece of structural engineering, a range that will allow a 30-year gap before the IGA 2027 is given a new chance. Once it is like this, the duo is no longer as attractive as it is attractive for the freedom and the experience of buying.”

Zeichen der Stärke des Reviers

For the North-Westphalia Business, IHK President Lars Baumgürtel expressed the great commitment to the projects for the business development of the business community: “There are two great business communities in the Emscher-Lippe Region. The IHK, which has angered the Treffen, has switched to the IGA 2027, which has put the profile of the Ruhr area back on the market as a higher quality Nachalt Zukunftsregion.’ ft for Fachkräfte“. If man is described with the Leitfrage of IGA 2027: “Who wollen wir tomorrow?” Is there a great opportunity for the region, we will find with the IGA 2027 a beautiful Antwort that resembles the Frage, die Menschen zukünftig leben wollen : “In a cool and green Metropole Ruhr”.

Baumgürtel focuses the Blick above all on garden and landscaping: “Only in the Emscher-Lippe region are 600 small and small units in this sector, which from the IGA 2027 Rückenwind for a further expansion of the landscape shape and the climate adjustment erhoffen. ” Inspired by the IGA-Zukunftsgärten can be used in the city and small oases of the high quality of the city. “So you can register with the electronic trade in the Zentren, the guest trade and tourism, nor in 2027, when the IGA made a profit”, summarized Baumgürtel.

“If you wait, you will be happy”

I am 40 kilometers away from the Zukunftsgarten Dortmund and welcomed Ursula Mehrfeld as the leader of the Kokerei Hanständigen Stiftung Industriedenkmalpflege und Geschichtskultur die Besucher: “Wir haben begeistert ‘Ja’ gesagt zur IGA 2027. It is a great opportunity, it is possible t den Focus auf den Standort zu focused.

In Dortmund, with the Kokerei-Park, there is a spectacle of Australian industry, while the transformation of the Ruhr area into the green industrial region of the world has undergone a perfect exploration. The big highlights were the bridge “Haldensprung” on the benachbarten Deusenberg and the large, begun cloud art.

The Arnsberger Regierungspräsident Heinrich Böckelühr said that the creation of a new city park in Dortmund gives the connection between two cities a visual highlight. “Es wächst zuammen, was zuammengehört. As a governing councilor, you are an advocate, so that innovative projects are not nur

If you want the arrangement to be implemented, it may take more time. The design of the Zukunftsgärten is least suitable for a combination that offers a greater challenge, a large project. In preparation for this, our house is looking ahead to the different support programmes as well as the qualified assessment of the applicant.

This is the IGA Metropole Ruhr 2027

Die International Gartenausstellung Metropole Ruhr 2027 It is a larger step on the path of the rivers in the green industrial region of the world and a large, organized garden festival in the entire Ruhr area. From April to October 2027, we started with innovation and innovation: the healthcare institutions became the performance show of the green industry, screeners and laboratories for ideas and answers to the key question “Wollen wir morgen leben?” and a large number of events and cultural installations. The IGA 2027 will be the green treasures of the region in scene and all for participation.

The IGA 2027 presents itself in three Ebenen auf: The fun Zukunftsgärten Duisburg, Gelsenkirchen, Dortmund, “Emscherland” and Bergkamen/Lünen, in the Ebene Unsere Gärten with its 25 (inter)communal Projects and Hunderten auf der Ebene My Garten, die die The entire population will remain unaffected by the circumstances.

The launch program included 5,000 to 6,000 renovations, all in the cost-efficient Zukunftsgärten Duisburg, Gelsenkirchen and Dortmund, 2.6 million dollars were paid. Durchgeführt wird Gartenausstellung durch die IGA Metropole Ruhr 2027 gGmbH.