
An undisturbed Lucie and Deniz end up in the Schlafzimmer

An undisturbed Lucie and Deniz end up in the Schlafzimmer

For years Lucie and Deniz went as friends during life. But damit is nown openenbar Schluss. There is an excess of the representation. Attention, this is the next spoiler!

At AWZ, Deniz (Igor Dolgatschew) has a different relationship in the Laufe der Jaren. However, Lucie (Julia Wiedemann) and the ice skating trainer have a truly friendly relationship. But this friendship is not in vain. When Lucie, together with Justus (Matthias Brüggenolte), takes charge of the center that deals with separating the blessings, the Kader abzuschaffen unterstützt, searches everything, a Kader and damn a job that saves you. A true Tax probe for my friendor something like that?

The Stimmung-zwischen Deniz and Lucie heizt themselves

While Deniz is in the past-weeks experience, Lucie is getting information about how the Cadre does its job and how it can do its job in the rescue operations it wants to make. However, be assured. Lucie stopped separating from Justus unterstützt de Börsengang with all signals Konsequenzen. If you think about it like that, it’s not that the Schicksal friends misbehave, but not. If Lucie von Deniz from seinem and Simones (Tatjana Clasing) inherited her plan and noticed, it would be a great stone to go on the road. Lucie sends the training schedule of the training schedules, so Deniz can’t train with his Läufer*innen anyway.

With RTL+ Premium you can watch for the first time – nor for the regular TV-Ausstrahlung. Das Abo hat aber noch weitaus more zu bieten. Was, das erafrt ihr im Video:

The ice skating trainer is a real überrascht and it is not that Lucie thanks for his Einsatz. Dennoch is expert when he walks the Grund in his sins, there is a less gezufriedenstellende Antwort. Lucie has done her thoughts about the boergang when she was not good. An attempt to work in the fight against Justus and Simone, has been postponed. But den beide gelingt es, sich to enjoy my friendship. One of these woolen fabrics is an issue – with uninterested follow-ups.

I may have given the feuchtfröhliche Abends a certain tension over both. It is a Kuss-kommt. Do not do it if that is so. After a brief moment of the exchange, see Deniz and Lucie in Schlafzimmer – it comes to a unplanned one-night stand. And this is Lucie tags that form a unanimous sign. Is it so that a friend or girlfriend is a good friend? This is not the case. Deniz clearly attacks Lucie’s power, but there is a secret affair that has not disappeared. If it can voorstellen, it is not possible to get an Ausrutscher-bleibt. Is it good?

AWZ can watch the free time from 19:05 on RTL or on RTL+. Who knows what happens to the characters of us? Test euer Wissen in unserem Quiz:

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