
So further is my Friendschaft!

So further is my Friendschaft!

Also THAT can “Let’s Dance”

Grüße von Ekaterina Leonova and Detlef Soost: Diese Freundschaft ist meer

Ekaterina Leonova and Detlef Soost - immer noch beste Freunde.png

Ekaterina Leonova and Detlef Soost – never best friends

RTL, ekathleonova/Instagram

“Wir sind immer füreinander da”

The 17th staff of “Let’s Dance” has brought together and is almost uninterested. No natural word, but the contact can be unbroached. Ekaterina Leonova and Detlef Soost phone, write, meet – and that is not the case now, we are a herbal person on the big Tanztour with dabei sind, whom Ekat jetzt on Instagram verrät.

Im Video: Emotionales “Let’s Dance”-Geständnis