
Grossteil der Azubis laut Umfrage zufrieden mit Lehre

How are Azubis loved?

The DGB is investigating how the azubis are doing with the sets and operations – with a positive positive result.22.08.2024 | 2:25 minutes

Most Azubis in Germany have started their Ausbildung-zufrieden. In an Umfrage des Deutschen Gewerkschaftsbundes (DGB), more than 10,000 Auszubildenden die in de 25 häufigsten Ausbildungsberufen quickly 70 Prozent der Befragten an.

More like a Drittel (34.5 Prozent) will probably use more than 30% of the machines – leave the DGB deutlich more like in the Vorjahren. Angehende Köchinnen und Köche leisten demnach mit durchschnittlich 6.1 reviews voor Woche die meiste Mehrarbeit folgt von Hotel-Azubis (5.6 Stunden). Der Durchschnittswert for all Berufe liest bei 3.6 overtime for Woche.

A few young people stand in the shadows, usually more than 20 months for your work. Quickly every Zehnte come for Überstunden again a Vergütung nor a Freizeitausgleich. It is a clearer answer to the criticism of the DGB.

Federal Agency for Labor

Kurz for starting the new Ausbildungsjahres is the Zahl der Arbeitslosen in July, which is still considered a success. Gesetzlich new from 1. August ist an Ausbildungsgarantee, with der Bewerbern an außerbetriebliche Ausbildung angeboten wird.31.07.2024 | 1:57 min

Explanation: Every other power is different

The transfer says that one of the previous years has begun, the own are still useful, the nothing with your Ausbildung zu tun haben. Criticism of the DGB, it is more if you have the best price (15.3 percent), if you want to do a thing more, the night with the Ausbildung zu tun haben. It is a high position. There was a “Kochen coffee” or “in the Firma” put. 56 percent was rarely or seldomly and only 29 percent nie with “ausbildungsfremden Tätigkeiten” betraut.

Whoever is happy with Azubis with his Ausbildung, hangs grimly from gewählten Beruf ab. 82 Prozent der angehenden Industriemechaniker gaben een, zufrieden oder sehr zufrieden damit zu sein, dahinter folgen Industrie- und Bankkaufleute (80 und 79) as well as Mechatroniker (78). At the end of the Skala are the best Fachlageristen (61), Hotelfachleute (60) and Zahnmedizinische Fachangestellte, von denen sich nur 59 Prozent zufrieden with ihrer Ausbildung zeigten.

Study on Jobange boats

:Companies lock Fachkräfte with Homeoffice

There is Corona and happiness – the home office. The grim rising Zahl von Jobangeboten for the “Remote-Arbeiten” was looked at, so a study. Zugleich nehmen Büroflächen ab.

by Frank Bethmann

A woman sits with a laptop and a table in the home office, launched on 19.01.2021 in Oberhausen

Deutsche Unterschiede bei der Vergütung

I have earned all the Lehrjahre with an own income of 965 Euro per month, while the Ausbildungsjahr was 1,035 Euro. The following amounts are available: Angehende Bank-kaufleute (1,243 Euro), Industriemechaniker (1,174 Euro) or Steuerfachangestellte (1,163 Euro) can be spent on the German additional funds as a Friseur-Azubis (830 Euro). If the report has yielded a positive result, this is the end of the service provision in the report that had previously started a first time.

DGB Vice-Chairwoman Elke Hannack criticizes only 18.9 percent of all the company’s pictures. Around 52 percent are a success. “If something is done against a skilled worker, it is taken out,” says Hannack. The number of young people is 20 and 34 years old and has reached 2.9 million a high position.

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Source: ZDF

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Source: dpa, Reuters