
Prevention in your life: So take care of your health risks

Prevention in your life: So take care of your health risks

Quickly half of the dismantling can be hindered or hindered, when 14 risk factors from the Alltag are used. This annoyance comes with a model study of Forschenden of the “Lancet Commission on dementia prevention, intervention, and care”, the now published world.

2020 has brought the Commission a number of risky towers for humans: a small Bildung, Bluthochdruck, Kopfverletzungen, Rauchen, hoher Alkoholkonsum, Bewegungsmangel, starkes Überweight, Luftverschmutzung, eine Hörminderung, Depression und Einsamkeit.

The Lancet Commission still has no other risk factors: Sehverlust and a higher LDL cholesterol level.

Remark: Der Beitrag “These 14 Factors Senken das Demenzriskiko in jedem Alter” erschien zuerst bei unserem Partner FOCUS Gesundheit.