
Platzbauer is a real Helfer at Duderstädter Turnier

Platzbauer is a real Helfer at Duderstädter Turnier

Duderstadt. Three Turniertage lies for the Verantwortlichen des Duderstädter RC 78. Before all spring prüfungen the Reiterinnen and Reiter with ihren Pferden auf dem Gelände an der Herzberger Straße became herausfordern. If this is an optimal result, you can help Sascha Mecke – as a means of the Turnierleitung – to the Boden.

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“I’ll take a load of water and bring dreckiges Geschirr away,” said the 45-year-old. Sein Hauptaugenmerk reports the Sandboden lying. Der Hobbyreiter – so bezeichnet is sich self – baut en pflegt hauptberuflich Reitplätze. “I have a great relationship with my friends,” said the Breitenberger, who has always had a great experience in the Duderstädter Ortsteil nor sechs Pferde stehen hat. Turniere is no longer repeating it, but the Class List has started. “I was actually a limiting factor, not that Tiere,” said Mecke, laughing.

Breitenberger Reiter has signaled Hobby zum Beruf gemacht

The landscape gardener hat for your own years of hobby-zum-bemacht is for the Heimatclub RC 78 on the Hauptplatz überarbeitet hat. Inspection is of the Platzbau sein Hauptgeschäft, auch der kurz vor Pfingsten fertiggestellte Untergrund in Nesselröden ist unter seiner Regie entstanden. “Diese Ebbe-Flut-Plätze is a High End, which can keep a man active in the water of the Plätzen caves,” erläutert Mecke.

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I live in Duderstadt in the Bodenpflege and the construction and dismantling of the trail for the jewelry that is sold. “Eben om alles, was sich auf dem Platz abspielt.” It’s time to click on the Wetter-App. “The war they spent together was the time of the shrewd Tag with grim rain and heavy fallen Prüfungen.” I come to the Netherlands during the summer months, which are usually 30 degrees and temperatures are less than 20 degrees Celsius. „Dazwischen kan een Gewitter mit Starkregen lie“, while Mecke das Wetter in Visier haben. If you want to do this, you can do this. “Notfalls lie Sandsäcke bereit, dammit kein Wasser in die Ställe läuft.”

Wenn man repeat, then repeat man.

Sascha Mecke, Hobbyreiter and Platzbauer

Vereinsbaas and chief organizer Jörg Fredershausen have the Platz im Vorfeld schon gut gewässert. “We will never be able to wear them again in the Reithalle,” said Mecke, who has lived in Eltern ebenfalls Vereinsmitglieder since. Seine Frau has no place there. Another sports hobby like sports is not fun. “If you are a man, then you are a man”, it is clear and friendly. Seine own Pferde moves is hauptsächlich abends. “You’ll love the spätschichten.” In the eyes of the Spring Reiter, they also love their dress and the deck, but they also enjoy their presentation.

More than hundreds of Helfer since RC 78 Duderstadt in Einsatz

Clothing repairs were now played a disorderly role by Turnier in Duderstadt. Planted since Sunday between 10 and 2.30 pm in the Reithalle. “We will be happy to give you a start-up experience,” said Fredershausen. 40 Actief schickt der RC 78 ins Racing, and hundert Helfer gets to work on the three days. “I think that there is no Vereinsmitglieder, but Eltern unterstützer aus others Vereinen fassen mit an,” said the Vereinsbaas.

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Knapp 1000 Nennungen aus mehreren Bundesländern lie vor. “We lie here in the Drei-Länder-Eck Lower Saxony-Thuringia-Hesse. Entsprechend fell on a different path. “Viele Stammgäste come jedes Jahr zu us,” says Fredershausen. Während der Freitag (from 8 Uhr) the young Pferden and der Sonntag (from 8.30 Uhr) the Reitern aus der Region vorbehalten ist, es am Sonnabend auch sportlich herausfordernd. At 4:30 PM the S-Jumping starts, and at 7 PM the food for the jumpers will be announced after a few weeks of choreographies.