
Soll ich’s wirklich machen or lass ich’s lieber sein?

Soll ich’s wirklich machen or lass ich’s lieber sein?

View the description of the post of your Krankenversicherung. Denn Anfang 2025 is the following: Dann will receive the electronic Patient Certificate (ePA) for all a start. Connect the ePA automatically. “We’ll never forget it,” the Techniker Krankenkasse wrote in the comments below: “We’ll be happy with everything.”

The versicherten brought the electronic vale Vorteile, so the Versprechen der Kassen. No more paper jam, no one who makes it like this, and an stehende Vorsorge-Untersuchungen hätte man immer im Blick. Is it a good idea to use a personal digital patient certificate for wider distribution? If you are a patient, you will not be able to obtain a digital patient certificate in Zurich.

Would you like to know what information about the ePA comes together – as a separation for all who are now with the Frage schäftigen: ePA – so I’ll be sure to read more about it?

What is the ePA anyway?

On January 15, 2025, all statutory versions will have been published, on children, after and after a so-called electronic patient certificate – this is a wider distribution (“opt-out”).

The ePA contains all information about the Health of Versicherten gebündelt speichern. The idea: the combined illness history of a person with a set of documents – from treatment and operations regarding the impfstatus, from here on MRT-Aufnahmen bis zu verschibenen Medicamenten.

This data can come from the Praxen and Krankenhäusern in the Act, but the Versicherten themselves. Statistics from the CD-ROM and the work report on paper can contain everything in the ePA suffix. The data were prinzipiell lebenslang gespeichert.

If the patient is no longer aware, the personal data will be carried out under a pseudonym of the healthcare research.

What are the benefits of the ePA?

The message: If you adhere to the ePA, there is a comprehensive information provision, efficient actions and good health care. Thus, doctors have, among other things, an overview of the INF and care status of the patient as well as of the preceding medical reports.

If you make another choice, you can make an overview of your general data: if you want to make a diagnosis or want to make a diagnosis for your abgerechnet-wurden. After these two things are solved and the care-insgesamt improved.

From the perspective of the information about the great history, we will inform you further about it. Schon long complaining Expert:innen, if Deutschland in the international Vergleich wonders – no matter how good it is, and the dating comes. We will have a German country study plant, but we will also continue to work in the Federal Republic of Germany on our own. If it works, all real-world data is automatically transferred and aggregated across the ePA.

Is it a night or a risk?

The big risk is verzerten: If it is wise to become an ​​​​einem or gespeichert, it is quickly an einladung. Kriminelle can hack the data bank and bring the Zugriff to highly sensitive and personal information. It may be that there are more credit cards than the credit cards – we could get a prize like that.

If you are aware of the information: there is a fragment that is sufficient with the information in the activity. Because the Patient:innen entscheiden selbst, which documents they release.

If the patient knows that the problem can be solved, a problem may arise once the diagnosis is known.

In addition, the patient suffers from chronic illness and is also subject to medical discrimination. So criticism of the German emergency services, the ePA in the best form of disk rimination cannot be used.

Who ends up in the ePA?

Treat this as you are obliged, best data in the ePA in your opinion, when the patient does not pronounce the ePA wider. You can read another message about a different kind of investment message, such as the handling and the measurements of the Arzt- and Krankenhaus-Entlassbriefe.

In sexual infections, mental illnesses and sabbaticals it is a good idea: Here more actions are made explicit, so that the patient gets a wider distribution, while the data is carried out in the ePA treatment.

Darüber can request an extended version of your own documents in your patient certificate. Make sure you get a document from the ePA-löschen. Changes and the ePA were prototyped. Versicherte can be another way, where a welcher Zeit Dateien high- and heruntergeladen or gel-like hat is.

The depreciation data of the health insurance funds are automatically installed in the ePA. E-recipes were überführt in a Medikationsübersicht. Make sure you get a good feeling, but the medical provision is good. If the patient has more wool, these reactions are higher or higher, but they are more widely distributed here.

Who can prevent some data from ending up in the ePA agreement?

A solution for the e-instruction is in the app, but also at the Ombudsman of the Health Insurance Fund possible. Ombudsmen can be set up in the investigation of the extended processing time, care orders in the ePA sets and the protocols for the digital patient certificate order.

The jewelry disease app is no longer available as a rule in the app stores of the operating system. Secured without Smartphone can use the ePA script at the Krankenkasse. The activity can then no longer be carried out by the versatile person who is activated.

Can we do that in our ePA?

Default data is all documents in the ePA for all items. Konkret: Stecken Versicherte in een Praxis the electronic electronic card in the dry teaching area, erhalten the Ärzt: the automatic death of rights, 90 days on the ePA zuzugreifen. Pharmacies, der öffentliche Gesundheitsdienst und Arbeitsmediziner:innendürfen 3 Tage lang op de ePA Zugreifen.

Patient: There are indications that the underlying data and information take a long time. You can work with the smartphone app or with the PC on the desired date. It is possible that the ePA receives an e-mail in most pharmacies.

At all, patient: incoming documents and data are no longer suitable for use. It is hidden and can be avoided that persons are treated – or that they are so. There is a psychotherapeutic document that the Zahnarzt does not know: that is not the case.

In often cases fallen patient: there are more patients who have been given broader rights, a hindrance, that is the best of the best part of the Krankheitsgeschichte einsehen können. So it is not possible that diagnoses are made by labor financing, but then on the graduation dates or the treatment plan.

The meditation plan can now be taken in the future of trade. It is not possible to use a drug for delayed products. Gleiches gilded for the Abrechnungsdaten der Krankenkassen.

These emails are reviewed by the best immunity critics among other German aidshilfe. And here you say: The separation of one or more of the ePA hangs at the bottom, who the own Kranken-schichte is and who has the personal risks, which are distributed in the health system.

Who wants the general data in the ePA?

The data does not lie with the health insurance funds, but shifts into a so-called “ePA-Aktensystem”, which is used in the telematic infrastructure structure. After the matized server has left the federally hosted server, the data protection organization of the European Union is switched off and independent gutachter:innen are tested.

In the past years, more organizations can warn in a number of violations shortly before the risks of the digitalized installations for the IT security and the privacy of the insured. Among others, the Verbraucherzentrale Bundesverband, the Deutsche Aidshilfe and the Chaos Computer Club have joined. The organizations that show, the IT security “technically detached from a setting in an opt-in or opt-out option” are increasingly used to perform another “cryptography and anonymization”.

The security risk is higher than time. After the data was collected, everything was saved for 100 years. The underlying information and the risks associated with the specific risks were also supplemented by the generations. Who can guarantee the security and trustworthiness of the data in 10, 20 or 100 years? This question is no longer visible.

Who is the date on which the information used is used?

The data in the ePA will be deleted after the sale has been carried out. If we want that, an antrag and the Research Data Center of the Federal Government (FDZ) will be set. All information was collected and stored.

The verifiers can influence the Forschung with a wider distribution of health. It falls under the app or the ombudsman service of the Krankenkassen. Allerdings these wider problems can now occur generally. The verifiers can also not go together, my data are now for a best study, a best study-inrichting or only non-commercial Forschung-ready.

Before the common data for the study were determined, the data were made pseudonymous. The data can also provide a name and a characterization. This should protect the patient’s disease history inside.

Fachleute criticism is that the pseudonym is used with only a small part of the person who receives a person. If the government has found a certain date, it is otherwise the postal service or a child’s birthday. In the Vergangenheit you will find a man with a certain purpose, with whom Sicherheitsexpert: people who use their pseudonyms to identify their data – and as soon as possible the Krankengeschichte kannten.

Criticism of the question, there is no question of an unacceptable Forschung, one of the possibilities of Pharma-Unternehmen Zugriff on the Daten-beantragen-können. It is no longer possible to determine the choice for the “Gemeinwohls”-zugutekommen.

If you are critical, you are sure that you can get the best quality of your home. If it is not so anymore, it is a matter of selling if you work with your profit margin.

Who can distribute more widely, when will ePA do so?

Before you start with the ePA, you can choose a larger version of your Kranken version, a guideline for the digital activities on a broader scale. If patients get a best ePA treatment, they die from the app or by the Krankenkasse.

This Widerspruch can take a while, regardless of whether it is changed. Once the separation is complete, the part of the ePA can be designated: if they are used, there can be spaces displayed in the ePA app.

If you have an ePA and wool impediment, you can best deal with your information, it is a faqsten and clearer, when you want to start the treatment of the Zugriff company. Damit gehen alldings also the advantages of the ePA lost.

Not happened yet? Here are more links with information about electronic patient records for the night and night: