
ZDF Sorts Out Mega-Frust! Sender Changes Before Stage End of Program

ZDF Sorts Out Mega-Frust! Sender Changes Before Stage End of Program

Nachrichten statt Deutschland Tour

ZDF Sorts Out Mega-Frust! Sender Changes Before Stage End of Program

The first Stage of the Rundfahrt is one for the Fahrer.

The ZDF said the Deutschland Tour

Karl-Josef Hildenbrand/dpa

That doesn’t suit the Zuschauern!

The ZDF has started the first stage of the Deutschland Tour, the Rad-Athlete has not ridden a single kilometer now, activates his last powers for an exciting soul journey – suddenly the sender changes the program!

ZDF is working on the program

In Schweinfurt in Heilbronn the teilnehmer kräftig in the Pedale, the ZDF is a large part of the gesamten Strecke live on TV dabei. But after two Stunden next of the Bruch: five kilometers before the end bricht de Übertragung ab en der Sender zegt de Nachrichten. Fans are active for everything in social media.

Reading tip: Rolltreppe statt Berganstieg! Rad-Etappe started in a supermarket

ZDF’s right to the program in the dpa: “The commentator is very curious about the moderator, who is watching the radar in the livestream in the ZDF media library that he sees. Zusätzlich wurden Inserts eingeblendet, de darauf hingwiesen haben, dass sportstudio live in der ZDFmediathek weiterläuft.”

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