
Who else can do the New Work?

Who else can do the New Work?

Before you can set that the man is no longer working: The manly man can no longer sit on the Kutschbock. That’s no more than that. Tag the guest of Festland from Sahlenburg is gone, uhm, with the horse wagon übers Watt on the island nach Neuwerk that brings you. It’s a small effort to give more tips and advice on the correct views here on the Nordsee map.

Hans-Werner Fock, who is the man behind the Kutschbock, said to Sätze who: “I think you can say: Immer nur uninmal sagen. Wer zweimal Moin sagt, gilt als geschwätzig.’ Or: „Sie, dort hinten, dort ist Ankern im Priel verboten, weil dort unsere Versorgungsleitungen für Wasser, Strom und Telefon verlaufen.“ And if a skipper anchors a skipper and causes damage? “Telephone and water are our brands,” says Fock. Strom notes that the hair is from the mountain stem.

But still, it is a bare passion, that Fock becomes in Interest. Das Alter, 66, hater. An overly concerned woman is a woman that Mrs. Katrin likes so much. They are woolen wool. The Focks run “Das Alte Fischerhaus”, a traditional business with 20 rooms, five apartments, a restaurant and 100 beds in the house. It is one of four hotels in the interior, less than 21 years ago. If the Focks do not find a next step, the new job is a problem. Do you want to know more about the guests?

A few meters further in the four-star hotel “Nige Hus”? Quite. But also here the chef wants and his wife is no more. The Griebels are getting older than the Focks, but the job lasts 30 years. The empire is closed. It is a fact that it is so that the future is not 40 Betten. Christian Griebel, 53, comes with a bag of hot cocoa on the terrace of his restaurant “Zum Anker”, which is heard at the hotel. If you are in the kitchen, a 14-hour day is no more than the end of the end. From the terrace out of the free Blick auf das true sign Neuwerks, the other lighthouse. “Toll, or?”, said Griebel and his old Air, when he says: Bin gespannt, who is here further.

100,000 guests per year

Neuwerk is a special island. If you go to Hamburg, Bezirk Mitte, and is one of the three arts you need: your foot, by horse-drawn carriage and by ship. 100,000 guests, most days as day tourists, enjoy the island every year.

Auf Neuwerk is different. “Ein Alltag in Zeitlupe, Reizebbe statt Reizüberflutung”, with the “Hamburger Abendblatt” kürzlich geschrieben. Four hotels, three Bauernhöfe, a Schullandheim, a Zeltplatz, a Souvenirladen, an Inselkaufmann, the Leuchtturm, the National Parkhaus and the “Friedhof der Namenlosen”.

A Road Plan is not important. Anyone who gets from A to B is clear about himself. “Auf der Insel must be able to reach a new entry point,” says Griebel, “is it right here, or is it on the left here over the Deich?” A study confirms that the environment of the island, which lies in the Elbmündung, is a kilometer of air line. from Cuxhaven. Gut 100 Kilometers since Hamburg.

The Magic of the Island goes to the Way to your next. At Wattwagen-Platz in Sahlenburg is at the Wartenden a sure start, when Fock his Zweispänner on the gelände rings. Where am I sitting? Who with the packaging? Do you want to have an honest idea? A bottle of water spritzt while sanding, a covered bread roll lands in sand, the smeared page down. Once you know that the wheels of the wagons in some pressure and the party land longer and longer with the lightning busy, relax your journey.

Three “Tatort” – Follow playing on Neuwerk

It is worth noting that the “Tatort” Follow-ups would be a waste of new work. “Manfred Krug and Charles Brauer have had a tough week with a gewohnt,” says Fock. Gemeinsam with a Fahrgast recapitular is the title of the next one. “Tod auf Neuwerk’ war der first with Krug und Brauer,” said Fock. War from 1996. Jahre später kehrte das Duo für die letzte Folge “Tod vor Scharhörn” nor once zurück. And then another one, that blond one, who is gay anyway? Genau, Til Schweiger as Commissioner Nick Tschiller. Fünf Jahre is her. If the war is at home, die in its own right.

This evening Dieter Heymann sits in Anchor. There is a criticism that you can make. There is a good question. Heymann is a regular at Neuwerk. Four times a year she comes there, for research and to relax. “Neuwerk has become my second home”, said Heymann, who lives in Münsterland. There is talk here of, wandering around in Watt, saved over the Deich, power at the Führungen of the National Park Houses with and talks with everyone, the desire for a Plauderei haben. The two hoteliers who want to and no financier have the power of the car ners. “Die Insel würde viel verloren.”

If Christian Griebel and Hans-Werner Fock want to help their nachfolger, where they want a lot of fun and credit. “I wish my young life would bring fresh wind and new ideas,” said Griebel. Fast all residents since the age of 50, the oldest children are over the age of 70. Children’s lives in New Zealand can last even longer, since the children who live in the National Park Houses die in their home with their husband and the three children for four years. The Neuwerkstatt is built into the Inselschule. T-shirts, clothing and clothing with new work motifs are available here.

Carolin Rothfuß is working on the new work of the nose, is here inzwischen about a new year secretly. They come from Baden-Württemberg and first put the Bundesfreiwilligendienst on the home power and then had an alternative pastime. Inzwischen is the Leader of the National Park Houses, which is trusted by the Association Jordsand and operated by the City of Hamburg.

If you are a partner who encounters a war, the best thing you can see is: “Here we live.” The problem: “There is no living space.” Whatever you think, you know what you are on the island. And whoever is suitable, that Anker-Wirt Griebel will advise you to reduce the size of the restaurant. „Christian said to us: I have built a living home“, said Rothfuß, „hätte er das nicht getan, hätten wir gehen müssen.“

Die Dringlichkeit, Wohnraum zu procuren, haben inzwischen auch die Entscheider in Hamburg erkannt. Finance Senator Andreas Dressel (SPD) has said: “This problem could be even bigger.” Zehn has been resolved at 15 Wohnungen, best until 2027. Höchste Zeit, said Fischerhaus-Chef Fock. “Hamburg is proud of the years of construction and new work,” it says. If you plan to work in Homeoffice, “could use the Internet,” says Griebel, and one of the Meetings at Festland – what’s not there?

22 million euros for the Leuchtturm

22 Million Euros for the LeuchtturmTatsächlich fly nor more Millions from Hamburg in the Zukunft der Insel. The former Wehr and Leuchtturm, more than 700 years ago and the largest part of Hamburg, will be purified – in 2027 – for 22 million euros. “Damit wird Neuwerk sicher noch einmal sehr fell attractive to tourists and tourists,” said Senator Dressel.

The 45-meter high and square backstone tower has come decently into the years and has proudly remained an attraction. Whoever manages to climb the 138 small steps, to stand without the head or to act as a worm, would be rewarded with a wonderful view of island and festival land, of watts and water. In Turm a hotel and a restaurant are one of the best ways to travel.

Heiraten mit Meerblick, that is the Zukunft. In the Gegenwart courts the Focks and the Griebels die, bare Nachfolger zu find. Don’t waste your time, but you will also be a hotelier in your home. “Unsere Betriebe funktionieren”, both. Mindestens 60 Prozent der Gäste seien Stammgäste, the Zimmer top in Schuss. Aber is clear: “Here we come, this is a life-changing experience,” says Griebel. The overload is being appealed to, so who knows, this may be a good hat. If a woman gets a woolen meal with a hotel and restaurant, the new work will no longer be done.

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