
Aurora Labs uses 3D printing with nickel-chromium alloy inconel 625

Aurora Labs uses 3D printing with nickel-chromium alloy inconel 625

3D-Druck-Zubehör & ZusatzgeräteMilitary combat in the sky, anticipating micro gas turbines with Aurora Labs 3D printing technology

Aurora Labs has developed a new 3D printer that can print micro gas turbines for UAVs with the robust nickel-chromium alloy Inconel 625. The additive manufacturing machine is sourced in Australia and is based on the Verteidigungsindustrie ab.

  1. Aurora Labs has developed a new 3D printing machine for the production of micro gas turbines.
  2. The machine using the Nickel-Chrome Alloy Inconel 625 can provide the best quality and protection.
  3. The first functional mini gas turbine will be put into operation in April.
  4. The production of gas turbines with UAVs is being developed in Perth, Australia, fortified law.
  5. Aurora Labs focuses on developing the defense industry.


The Australian Unternehmen Aurora Labs (ASX: A3D) has made a new start, 3D printers have been made possible in Australia in a pressemeldung (PDF, 733 Kb; available in new Window). The additive Fertigungsmaschine ist in der Lage, Micro-Gas turbine for the air- and spacefhrt aus a high-speed nickel-chrome-legierung names Inconel-625 so busy. This legierung, suitable for your corrosion resistance and celebration, can be found in Propellerblättern and Unterseekabeln.

In April, it will take years for one of the functional mini gas turbines to operate. Aurora Labs is likely to use these small engines on unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). The new turbines are now working on the new industrial 3D printing machine, which is being used in Australia and Perth, as production continues.

In recent years, Aurora Labs has developed a research concentrate. Rebekah Letheby, CEO of Aurora Labs, says:

“The AL250 3D printer is a significant step forward for our industrial printing service. There is a strong selection of specialized materials, which makes our production and the production for the high-end defense industry no longer possible.”

By using concrete, as the new machine goes beyond the complex, medium-sized geometries of the printing, it was a very good job to perform the printing services of the external mache.

Aurora Labs is committed to the Defense Industry

Aurora Labs AL250 3D Printer
Aurora Labs AL250 3D printer – a new solution for improved production capabilities. (Image © Aurora Labs)

The development of Aurora Labs, as the defense industry works in the industry, is reflected in the development of the AL250 3D printers more broadly. With this printer, the purchase of a dish in the sector can be carried out, in the context of air and space travel, where specialized material is used with 625 of the individual beddeutungen.

Neue Möglichkeiten für unmannte Luftfahrzeuge

The flawless production of micro gas turbines for UAVs represents an important contribution to Aurora Labs. The turbines can play a separate role in the further development of unmanned aircraft games, which gain in modern defense and support.