
Smarte Schutzhaube mit Frischluft | TECHNICAL RUNDSCHAU

Smarte Schutzhaube mit Frischluft | TECHNICAL RUNDSCHAU


The Hightech Zentrum Aargau (HTZ) and the Hochschule Luzern (HSLU) have developed the TB-Safety AG in another innovation. First promised protective hoods were prepared and a respiratory protection device was used.

30 years old TB-Safety will be built again

“Erfolg durch Innovation”: Dieser Anspruch is at the TB-Safety AG in Frick Realität. Seeing innovations as a roter Faden during the 30-year Firmengeschichte. The Grundstein built Nik Keel 1994 with a Belüftungssystem für Schutzanzüge, as these were designed by Kraftwerken. Aus der Einzelffirma «Techbau» passed through TB-Safety AG. This develops, produces and distributes Belüftungssysteme and Vollschutzanzüge for various industries, both in Switzerland and also in European markets. No other Schweizer Hersteller has full protection with body care. TB-Safety is a leader in the personal protective equipment (PSA) market.

New Soul: A Promised Protective Hood

TB-Safety was developed in Frick zehn Personen, in Veneto (Italy) while Werkbank produces its own Exklusiv production. Final assembly and preparation takes place in Fricktal, using the Calibrierung der Gebläse. We started developing the SME with a quality strategy and the like as a «First Mover» – Technology leader – with high-tech products, mass solutions and top service. The intensive use of the lungs and lungs is accompanied by a strong know-how with the know-how. While the Covid pandemic is experiencing a new attack in 2021, belüfteten Schutzanzugshaube in Angriff cases.

Das Hightech Zentrum Aargau is coming to Spiel

Monate später started with the project of the resins. If you use the «VenGard» system, the automatic CO2 limit value for the emission-free air (as a product) can not be changed. Mangels speziellem Know-how and Infrastruktur wandte TB-Safety and the Hightech Zentrum Aargau. Joint venture with HTZ technology and innovation expert Leendert de Haan would have started a new project (Machbarkeitsstudie and Innosuisse-Innoscheck) – TB-Safety and HTZ purchases will start these years. As a research partner works with the Competence Center Fluid Mechanics and Numerical Methods (CC FNUM) of the Hochschule Lucerne.

Bessere Luftführung ermöglicht Project follow

There are fan-shaped simulations that show a number of improvement potentials in air flow. The design of the design illuminates one of the best air flows for the world. “There is a problem with a combination of simulations and experimental experiments,” says Roger Waser, Senior Scientific Worker at CC FNUM, and ergänzt: “There is a way in which the efficiency of the fresh air is separated by the words.” The optimized system provides more comfort. You can combine a new bell system with some way from a non-combined material. The laundry can be washed and sterilized. If the result of more intensive results is that there is an air flow and mixing, the project can no longer be carried out – the woolen insider can no longer get started.

Trend in Richtung Reinraum-Prozesse

The CE approval will take place from September 2024. Ready in July, a first series could be used once. Reinraumaexstatter were used. The high quality of the air quality in the purification system ensures that the air filter and the CE approval are not removed. TB-Safety is convinced that a long-term safe sender of pharmaceutical production in the cleanliness has become and that a new conventional conventional protection measure can be taken. He also recognizes this trend in the semi-solid and lithium-ion battery production, the packaging and food industry or in vegetable protection applications. CEO Nik Keel said: “I hope that a company will put an end to the pharmaceutical industry.” Regarding cooperation with the HTZ, the full-fledged entrepreneur believes: “The HTZ with its network is a door opener for our. If you merge a project with Hilfe van de Forschungspartner, we would like to know more, if there is something wrong.»

Hightech Center Aargau AG,