
Cora Schumacher’s ex-boyfriend: “Ralf’s homosexual war is a violation”

Cora Schumacher’s ex-boyfriend: “Ralf’s homosexual war is a violation”

The stories of Cora and Ralf Schumacher want them to have a coming out of an online broadcast. Der Streitpunkt: How would Cora Schumacher want to know about the homosexuality in her ex-husband or not? Now reports ex-boyfriend of 47-Years to Word.

Cora Schumacher to Ralf Schumacher: Not aware?

When Ralf Schumacher looks at power through his friend on Instagram, he is often rewarded. Auch Sohn David Schumacher commented on the Beitrag seines Vaters mit den Worten: “It is true that you have put an end to the money that the man notices, that you would see this and can solve it, even ob Mann or Frau. Ich stehe zu 100 Prozent hinter dir, Papa, en wünsche euch alles Good and herzlichen Glückwunsch.” Dessen Mutter and Ralfs Ex-frau Cora hüllte themselves hinged zunächst in Schweigen.

In an interview with “Spiegel” Cora then, before the Instagram post Mitte Juli not behauptete that he knew, that his ex-husband is schwul. The wanted Ralf Schumacher has never had a las, a publicized short hand a Chat-Verlauf of Cora and Etienne, from the reformed, his ex-wife schon in October 2023 von dem Liebespaar gewusst habe. Ebenfalls has reached a great value. Cora is happy with the bad WhatsApp that is now wanted, the “Truth” is the only one they both have found.

Denny Heidrich über Cora Schumacher: “Ständige Unwarheiten”

Now report this or Cora’s former lover to Wort. Denny Heidrich met Cora in the dating show “Cora’s House of Love” and waged war for a short time with his time. “These standard verbreiten are now an end to the end”, comment of the Boxer in the fight of Ralf Schumacher. Harte Worte, with the fact that Cora Schumacher dies.

Eric Sindermann über Cora Schumacher: “Sie ist sehr verletzt”

There is not a single man from Coras-verledenheit, the theme is no longer the same. Reality Star Eric Sindermann, with the Cora Schumacher 2021 one of the most popular ideas, thinks that Cora has Ralf Schumacher’s sexual preference. “Dass Ralf was brave, there was in the Promiszene natürlich immer an offenes Geheimnis. Auch ich hatte am Anfang Cora gefragt, ob da etwas dran sei. But Cora war bei diesem Thema stets sehr zurückhaltend, and man causes that he never dares again “, explains Eric Sindermann about “t-online”.

Cora Schumacher focuses on her Schweigen and finds the German Worte for Sohn David.

Cora Schumacher shoots with Sohn David: “Sollte those emotional journeys …


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Cora Schumacher first spoke about Ralf Schumacher's homosexuality and his new partner

One of the most important things: Cora Schumacher goes to Ralf’s coming out


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“Trotzdem spürte man, dass die ganze Situation si irgendwie burdenetete. Es gibt kaum etwas Schlimmeres, if wenn man sich etwas von der Seele rode möchte, aber nicht darf”, describes is seinen damaleen Eindruck. “I’m happy, you’ve been completely lost and you’ve always wanted to be secret, with Ralf and I’ll see you later.” Ob Cora Schumacher Bescheid gewusst habe, wisse der Ex-Handballer und Trash-TV-Teilnehmer bwar nicht, er is een Vermutung: “Ob sie wirklich schon vorher von seinem Coming-out wusste, kann ich nicht genau sagen, aber ich Denke schon . ”

David Schumacher about Streit von Ralf and Cora

If the situation is directly affected, it is Sohn David. Dieser hält sich in dem Streit-allerdings offenbar raus: “I don’t have to worry about it, but I can’t see it in my head. And so the view is still there, but it’s also not possible to drive and not to be otherwise” , erklärte is at home in the “Prototype Cup Germany”. Offenbar met Erfolg: Sowohl am Samstag as auch am Sonntag war is nicht op schlagen together with Papa Ralf at the Nürburgring.