
Krach um Zürcher UNRWA-Spende | Tachles

Krach um Zürcher UNRWA-Spende | Tachles

If the Stadttzürcher Parties are allied with each other, the City of Zurich will be the support sister of the UNRWA, which will no longer listen to the Association.

The Stadtzürcher FDP can be a financial backer in the city of Zurich and the Uno-Hilfswerk for Palestine Refugees UNRWA Rekurs for the Zurich District Council einglegt. A Solche spends its financial security, so the FDP.

FDP parliamentary group leader Michael Schmid started writing the Keystone-SDA report on a report about “NZZ of the Sonntag”.

A publication of the city of Zurich and the UNRWA made a branch of the city available in the federal state policy of the Bundes and would have received the Verfassung. In Switzerland, the Aussenpolitik lies for the Bund and not for the Cantons. The city council in the vicinity of the East could provide humanitarian aid, but not speak for the UNRWA money, as a substitute for the taxed federal money. For the Zurich FDP it is clear: a Zurich spends an accusing terrorist organization of the UNO organization, which has caused an abuse of power by the city in the gleich of the foreign policy of the Bundes.

The Zurich municipal parliament discussed and suspended a post of SP, Greens and Alternative Lists in the city streets during the summer holidays in July. The city of Zurich will therefore have to bury UNRWA around seven million francs in public money, after which the union has sucked itself back. Bern will follow the mass murderers on October 7 and spend the massive culprits and the address of UNRWA on the UNO organization from 20 to 20 million francs. City chairwoman Corine Mauch (SP) hates the concrete house, which makes an all-failed expenditure in the human sin of Hilfe, and she has never been understood as a party in the aftermath conflict. Many people will be engaged in the debate about the mittlerweile policy of Hamas’s UNRWA organization and the high government in Zurich and in the remaining Swiss-Islamist struggle, even though Hamas’s eliminatory anti-Semitic ideology is shared.

In response to the plan of the left in the Zurich Parliament of the UNRWA to study, there is sharp criticism of the Jewish Side and the Swiss-Israeli Society.

Connection with Hamas
In the Center we have seen the best efforts of Israel, the support for the civilized Hamas-Mitglieder and this only dieser Mitglieder am Pogrom vom 7. October were active. An internal solution for one person is clearly Individual here.

When in 1949 the Hilfswerk United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) was included in the criticism, it was such that the Zuwendungen took action. Deutschland is in the United States the largest Geldgeber of the UNRWA. This is the only Uno-Organization, the ausschliesslich for a spezielle nationale Gruppe that exists, the status of the Flüchtlings is legally speaking, was a bit one-sided.

In 2004, UNRWA was criticized when the Hamas-Mitglieder anstelle. Mittlerweile sollen is a clear signal. This will be the end of the Mass since October 7. October will be a great day, new dies will take place during the Mass in the Mass of the UNRWA entlassen.

Let the Hilfsgüter and the Finanzielle Mittel der Uno earn their money from Hamas. If you are a debtor of the UNRWA in Diskussion, with the palästinensische kindern der Hass in the Juden- und Israel-jurisdiction. In Switzerland the war dies under Thema von Vorstössen. In the German criticism of 2001, the CDU candidate Armin Laschet brought the CDU candidate into the European Parliament in the context of the UNRWA «Ressentiments und Antisemitismus lehrplanmässig verordnet würden». On the maps in the Schulbüchern they do not recognize Israel as a state. Selbsterdattentate about Judaism and Jihad were illuminated and more. On April 28, 2021, the EU Parliament will be rejected as a Resolution, in which the UNRWA weighs its legal actions. These würden Hass en Gewalt verbreiten. Lehrer and UNRWA Schools in Gaza, Lebanon, Jordan and Syria have created their Facebook profiles for jihadist terror and anti-Semitism and the Holocaust leugnet or Hitler gefeiert.

The UNRWA-Responsible are aware of Willen recognize, die Misstanden zu begin. Reacting would still be the case now, if the previous mass was massive, then you ignore it. In the fight against the UNRWA, the Swiss Generalsecretary Philippe Lazzarini, who was involved in protests, on August 1 in Lausanne (cf. p. 16).

If the accusations are made by UNRWA, it is a completely innocent trade of “few individual” people, who are lazzarini in the past. In this case, the number of UNRWA members would be the same as the members of Hamas. The eliminationist anti-Semitism of Hamas is seen in its Charter, the anti-Semitic power work of the “Protokolle der Weisen von Zion”, insults parties and all einsehbar.

Sharp criticism
Before this background is shown, the help of UNRWA by the city of Zurich is «a Schlag ins Gesicht» for the Zürcher Jews. Dies schreibt laut der «Nieuwe Zürcher Zeitung» (NZZ) André Golliez, Mitglied der Israelitischen Cultusgemeinde Zürich (ICZ), in a short letter to the Zürcher Stadtpräsidentin Corine Mauch. The Hamas is no longer the Vernichtung Israels, but the Auslöschung is a Jewish Lebens, so Golliez. This problem is serious in Zurich, because the Monats have been defeated with the anti-Semitic Messerattacke and the Brandschenkestrasse. Golliez writes, as Jude bleibe ihm “nur eine Interpretationsmöglichkeit: Die Situation, de Bedrohung und de Gefühlslage der jüdischen Bevölkerung der Stadt Zürich sind dem Gemeinde- und Stadtrat offensichtlich gleichgültig.”

Walter Blum, Central Secretary of the Swiss-Israeli Society, tells the critics. If it is clear that Israel’s previous generation has not taken UNRWA off the air, it can no longer be the case that Rede davon sein, the organization of the worst previous, will become. “A donation to UNRWA can be a party effort in host conflict equally”, so Blum in the NZZ.

Derweil lives in the city of Schweigen. The Prüfung des Postulats has still not disappeared, heisst es.