
Stuttgarter Abwehr-Not: Hoeneß must improvise directly

Stuttgarter Abwehr-Not: Hoeneß must improvise directly

Die Liste, die Sebastian Hoeneß abarbeitete, warbeträchtlich. The names of the players, the start of VfB Stuttgart in the new season of the Fußball-Bundesliga, are often written on a Zettel by the trainer. “That’s how I feel about it so often, that’s how it is,” says Hoeneß, after all, it is all possible and possible to survive. “That’s the right thing to do”, schob is clearly a campy hinterher. Der Vizemeister is in the match with large defensive bodies for SC Freiburg am Samstag (3.30 PM/Sky) – and still fuller Zuversicht.

Such a new experience on the «Hochdruck»

“We were in a bisschen basteln müssen,” said Hoeneß. Leonidas Stergiou weighs a Entzündung am Rückenwirbel and Anthony Rouault weighs a Schulterverletzung cases more Wochen aus, wie der Coach Mitteilte. Dan-Axel Zagadou and Josha Vagnoman found neither in the aufbautraining, the duo played in Freiburg. Aber auch Yannik Keitel dreams of the landesduell with his ex-club roads Problems in solving problems. Zudem has to keep Maximilian Mittelstädt in Training under the Woche kürzertret. The staff is not large in the Abwehr der Swaben – for everything in the center.

It is a new story on the Transfermarkt that was released on «Hochdruck», but there are no doubts about «nicht in Hektik verfallen» wol. Zumindest on Saturday the losses will be neither in the own feelings, nor in the extent of the possible.

Schuster makes Liga debut as Freiburg coach

Möglich where, now of Feyenoord Rotterdam, Ramon Hendriks or the 20-year-old Anrie Chase made their Bundesliga debut. Ultimately you will see Hoeneß hinting at Angelo Stiller from the Mittelfeld. Vergangene Saison in 1:0-Sieg at Borussia Dortmund clapped das schon mal gut. Grundsätzlich sees Stuttgart’s trainer at the age of 23 aber lieber weiter – as which taktgeber in the Zentrale.

Unabhängig vom personnel Engpass in seiner Defensive erwartet Hoeneß a «targeted major herausforderung» in Breisgau. The SC has a «gericht good Mannschaft», meinte der 42-Jährige. Nach der Ära Christian Streich marks a new era in Freiburg. With Julian Schuster there is a new, clear insight on the Trainer’s bench, so Hoeneß. The Schuster of the Club from the Zeit as a Professional and Connection Trainer with long and gut kenne, was brauchen as “not fell Anlaufzeit”.

Auftritt in Leverkusen power Mut

Badener against Schwaben – der Liga-Auftakt is a good choice for both teams. Dazu der new Coach at Freiburg and the Abwehr-Sorgen in Stuttgart. It’s a matter of drinking in that Duell. Hoeneß erwartet «the largest Gegenwehr».

The Auftritt Seiner Mannschaft in the Supercup is a Wochenende Macht near Mut. The match at Double-Sieger Bayer Leverkusen in Elfmeterschießen was lost heavily. The VfB must carry out the work itself on the right day. The team has been tested at a high level and in many cases has a good insight, analyze Hoeneß.

The bisherigen endrücken nach deutet wenig darauf hin, dass die Swabia schon kaal wieder een sportlichen Absturz fürchten müssen. In Freiburg there is a Kraftakt.

Fall in de kommenden Wochen verletzt aus: Stuttgarts Verteidiger Anthony Rouault.

Fall in de kommenden Wochen verletzt aus: Stuttgarts Verteidiger Anthony Rouault.
Photo: Bernd Thissen/dpa