
After a stutter start, Sturm will unleash Altach Handbremse

After a stutter start, Sturm will unleash Altach Handbremse

Die Bürde des Meisters is Sturm Graz bisher anzumerken. Champion competition is the Elf of Christian Ilzer in the first four performances of the new Saison owed, Intensität, Dynamik and Spielwitz sahen in Graz in the vergelegenen Monaten oft ganz else aus. “Wir müssen die Performance nach schalten, dürfen aber nicht zu grimmkopfen”, said Ilzer for the Pflichtaufgabe zuhause to Lieblingsgegner Altach am Samstag (7.30 PM).

In Graz there was the Sieger dieser Partie in 16 von 20 Fällen Sturm. Seit de indigen Auswärtssieg der Vorarlberger an eenem calten December 2019 (2:1) gewann Sturm sechs der next eight Duelle. Not with Glanz and Gloria, but letztlich – in the Meistersaison with 2:1 and 1:0.

The siege was taken by Doublesieger Dieser Tage. By the EM-fahrer, the members of Alexander Prass and David Schnegg, Neuzugänge with Adaptions bedarf and a virus, which are more grassy in those training sessions, were developed as Formhemmer. The Auslosung can be regarded as a problem. Team battle against Altach, Ried im Cup and WSG Tirol will be announced for the national play break.

Gelingen are niece, but they are neither for the royal classes-Start an unangenehme Dynamik in Graz entwickeln. “The Jungs have to find the balance, a game is (first) kürzer da,” says Ilzer before his 200. Play as a Bundesliga Coach. “Wir haben unsere Leistungen genau reflected. We were not zufrieden. Die Gründe are aber logical nachvollziehbar.”

Altach and trainer Joachim Standfest explain themselves after the departure. Start the return journey. Under this motto, they will always be able to survive in the Vorarlberger with their victory over the LASK and WAC Luft. “Wir in der Vorbereitung sehr fell Wert auf Ballbesitz laid gegt and then gleich like a Denkzettel geriegt. Ich Denke, der Schritt zurück war der Richtige”, stated Standfest fest. Kompakts Verteidigen im Block und das Umschaltspiel wurden wieder more force. Stürmer Gustavo Santos thanks dies as Torschütze aller fun Altach-Treffer.

It was therefore noticeable that the Sturm-Mannschaft had no gelungen (four). Vesel Demaku schute seinen Ex-Kollegen genau auf die Beine. “The players were not deprived after punk had gained power. They had some EM fahrer, the später dazugestoßen ist. Ich glaube, they kept getting better,” Altachs Mittelfeld-Stabilizer meinte.

“It is completely normal. You invest in the season, we are very good at it – you are always welcome”, äußerte Standfest, eigenzweifacher österreichischer Meister (2004 GAK, 2011 Sturm), Verstandnis über den steirischen Stotterstart. Obwohl Sturm on the Transfermarkt “neither a right choice” has to do with the great young players who were the Zeit Brauchen, which Standfest featured.

Der Zeitpunkt für eine Überraschung scheint nicht allzu schlecht. “Your first time all games are won against Sturm, there is a valley night in the Samstag.” No theme is Salzburg-Leihgabe Dijon Kameri, der nach Knöchelproblems en de montage ins Training einsteeigen wird.