
Smartphone app entlastet Pflegekräfte – Westfalen-Lippe – Nachrichten

Smartphone app entlastet Pflegekräfte – Westfalen-Lippe – Nachrichten

While the Einsatz Künstlicher Intelligenz in the Pflegeeinrichtungen in Kreis Minden-Lübbecke deutlich meer Zeit für die Patients bleibt deutlich. This Fazit sees the Diakonie Stiftung Salem (DSS), which has appeared with a new app on 500 days, the written documentation messages. The DSS war is one of the first Pflegeträger in Germany, the app has been consumed.

“Früher is always negativ: I am in that care, so that I would care and not to documentieren”remembers Carolin Gerstmann, Pflegefachkraft und Wohnbereichsleiterin in Haus Laurentius in Porta Westfalica. “That is different. The worker has more happiness and more work and comes with a whole other set of goals for work.”

App writes additional documentation messages

Statistics that apply to your patients, data that includes dents and trinkets and that do not appear on the computer, have not been useful for 500 days. By providing the Pflegekraft information about patients, you can pass it on.

The requested documentation message then writes the intelligent intelligence in the smartphone app. Disable the App Development for Pflegekraft and Schicht 18 Minuten ein. This time is intended for real patient care. A setting range is not applicable, it is impossible to make personal settings.

Subscription model for Pflegeheime

The app processes the name “vote“, also Stimme, and we would also like to be different in it OWL eingesetzt, zum Beispiel in Pflegeheimen in Rheda-Wiedenbrück or Bad Driburg. Deutschlandweit kooperert de App laut eigenen Angaben schon mit 200 Trägern.

Laut Geschäftsführer Marcel Schmidberger operated the app with a subscription. Die Träger zahlen pro Pflegekraft und pro Monat 10 tot 15 Euro. Before you learn more about care, you will have to look after it.

Care equipment with new features and

The warnings must first be carried out, the Medizinische Fachbegriffe, the Names of the Residents or the Dialect of the Mitarbeiter zu verstehen. The Mitarbeiter of the DSS has started the launch of the first 2020 app that has a new idea. Zum Beispiel auch die complexen Aufnahmegespräche mit new Bewohnern über “to vote” to renounce

“I spent 20 minutes with a few occupants and then I spent two days there computer and I unlearned it”said Geschäftsführer Marcel Schmidberger. “Now I empty”vote‘Einfach beim Gespräch auf den Tisch, die I It is important that you receive structured information.”

Problems and re-orders

When the documentation appears in the magazine, a number says that Schmidberg added the 500-day balance: a million has the care staff of the DSS set at that time. Knapp 2,000 Einträge per Day, for that provision from the side computer let’s do certain things.

After problems with the app, Pflegekraft Carolin Gerstmann fell short in technical, human problems: “If there are more people who may have enjoyed their interest for a while, then it is no longer a challenge to motivate and get on board.”

Future plans

It is possible that the App-Entwickler at the Schichtübergabe, at the Bestellungen and in the Pflegeprozessen unterstützen, is also not the Zukunftsmusik. As Beispiel nennt Schmidberger das “Non-fall leaf”That’s a home without medical problems. Anstatt etlicher, zetraubender Schritte am computer In a stressful situation a simpler statement can be made which is this statement, and black: “Drucke Notfallblatt.”

Our sources:

  • Deaconry Foundation Salem
  • Companies “vote”
  • WDR-Reporter for Ort