
Biogasanlage Hardegsen: New planting for October

Biogasanlage Hardegsen: New planting for October

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Biogasanlage Hardegsen: New planting for October
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I will try the biogas tank in the Hardegser Gewerbepark and see if I can.

Hevensen/Hardegsen – Those in May, during an explosion, grimly damaged Biogasanlage in Gewerbepark Hardegsen soll from October those years of 100 Prozent wieder laufen and Gas ins Netz einspeisen. Das teilte Michail Dotsikas, Geschäftsführer of C4 Energie GmbH with Sitz in Kiel, at HNA-Anfrage with.

If there are more special companies that are civilized, then it is time to take the original time plan for the planned redevelopment requirements, to describe how the actual situation works.

Finally the fire, in the tragic way a Toter, a Schwerverwalzter and more Light injuries to be lamented seen, a damage of more Millions Euro-spent. When installing the equipment of the Dachs there are a number of wars that get biogas out of the war and how it works. The debt of the debts, the debt of the burns and the debt of the debt burden in the accountability of the current debts, the man who has his own assets himself, is as good as possible, so dotsikas.

“I am involved in one of the most common ways with the Anlage that is grateful for the good care with the Behörden, for the Hilfsbereitschaft of the local companies and for the great Unterstützung aller Beteiligten for Ort”, says the C4-Geschäftsführer. If you put the landwirte on the right situation, is a great re-examination, we are in the nature of the nature of the subsoil (material material) the best arbitration and routine working people, who must be used the most übergangsweise. Make sure that you can use the flexibility of the landwirte service. Clear though, that nobody on the his Ernte sitzen bleiben werde.

The Tatsache, one of the gas sources in the study, can be stimulated in the future, while the anlage in October has another function, such as Dotsikas. If you see a larger amount of Kraft paper, and it is no longer the case that in the Wetter period it is possible to use the personal capacity of the best firms.

The biogas tank in the Gewerbepark Hardegsen was opened in Betrieb in April 2009. On an area of ​​13,500 square meters, materials that are increasingly coming from the agricultural sector of the region to biogas production have been extensively explored and have been improved in terms of gas quality in the gas network. (Niko Mönkemeyer)