
Coastal Watch for the Refugees of the Griechischer Insel

Coastal Watch for the Refugees of the Griechischer Insel

If you do that, with a ship from the Turkish Turkey in Greece, a migrant is blamed for the Greek cuisine. The state prosecutor is forced to leave.

Before the Greek holiday resort Symi, a migrant in a ship is shot down by Schüsse, the protection of a patrol boat of the Greek coast is swept away. When the Zwischenfall is noticed, the Küstenwache is one of the Turkish coast to Symi coming fast boat and wants to stop, reported by the Greek Rundfunk (ERT) under the commotion of the Küstenwache. The Steuermann of the Migranten-Bootes has ignored the siren and the visual sight and watched, the Boat of the Küstenwache zu rammen.

The officials have abgefeuert the shock in the direction of the Bootes. Once it is so far, a migrant can get a lifelong financing. He is brought to the hospital of the nearby Haupttinsel Rhodes. The best reporters of Ort den Tod des Mannes. 13 People, during the stoppage of the Boot, the parties will take place, with the Athener Zeitung “Kathimerini” further reports. The State Attorney’s Office has had a subordinate function.

On August 18, the UN Refugee Rescue Organization (UNHCR) had managed to rescue 25,500 migrants from Turkey from Greece and, damn it, the EU mountains in those years.