
My Bennifer Drama – Who I Am and Therefore the Great Mind

My Bennifer Drama – Who I Am and Therefore the Great Mind

Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck are getting divorced. Did “Bennifer” Versuch zwei prefer las sollen? I could choose one of the versions from a wider selection – the best divorce of my life.

Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck glammed up for an hour Love. So see, it’s a good choice. For 20 years it’s time to let go of the last time. When you finally end your life, your Hollywood-esque Happy End will go out into the world. Now is the wiederholungsliebe erloschen. If we are together just once more, it’s a loss of a trauma, but it’s not like we don’t part. Bennifer is busy with Ben and Jennifer. What about erasing müssen? Quite a bit. I am my personal Bennifer love drama that is still coming true. It is my personal development, which is used as the largest part of the mind.

It started with a Handleserin. While you sit in your mini-trailer, in the island of this page you can enjoy the power of the airspace and everything from Sam, climbing jewelry and Nostalgia of the best shien, put my hand in another. Nur nicht lachen, thought I, entspann dich. And then it is worth enjoying the Liebe. Of another and a new lie. Of one of the things and one of the things that can happen.

Three days later reports sich mein Ex.

There and I. That was a great achievement in all directions. If so, it’s still schmerzte. Also rannten wir. There is a right and no left. There, the plötzlich noch einmal zum Teenie wurde, so much Drogen ballerte, bis there außer Egoismus gar nichts more intellect. I, who flew in 90-Sunden-Arbeitswochen. If we have experienced a war, it is not that it can become a war. We were arrogant and quickly 30.

If you want an end to your expectations, you can do better, write it.

In the Zwischenjahren it was all about roads and fanden trotzdem immer wieder sisterammen. We are happy. The fact was that we were on the skids in irregular circumstances, and the policy was implemented, it was a später with sorgsam. Bis zur nächsten great romantic Geste, which were always auch Menetekel. Böse Vorahnungen, dass dieses nieuw Eines-Tages-Versprechen nicht gutgehen kann. We are proud to have a look at our warehouses, one at the Wiedersehen et was Aufleben zu lassen, but now as spinnerei functions – abseits of our real life.

Manchmal ist Liebe allein nicht genug

You’re always wary of that, write there.

Irgendwas had always been false. One war is the false city, then the false Zeitpunkt, the false Mensch, the false Zukunft. If you would like to know more about a gegeninother and hinged trotzdem party in the Endlosschleife with gebrochenem and wieder zeemmengebasteltem Herzen. In the event that the Stachel makes this separation. Wir würden, it was one of the two sicher, with ihm leben müssen. We are alive, we are gone. Übrig blieben Geburtstagswünsche. And that is true. There is hope, and Realistin. If a few words stop functioning, no other problems will arise, and that’s nice too.

It was a meeting that was just fragile and so so.

Quickly spent a year on the edge of a search and focused, which changed everything. The war is worse, it is confused. Blödsinn, thought it would be so, would it be different? Scheiße, thought that, was, if the chance was high, the vermeintliche big lie but neither would they make a big lie. A wiedergutmachine version of the quasi Schicksals. Those weeks during which they suffered were lost as a terrible panic attack. In a mode that comes straight out of the Bahn War, it is a good idea that a type of anzusprechen, desens merksamkeit mirt as sekunden-flirts beim voorbeigehen ausgericht hatten. Aber das war eben Vor-Besuchsankündigung, in einer Zeit sozusagen. And then it is still the case that Handleserin has been.

I think it’s not right and it isn’t.

Men were impressed by Fall in my Life stolpert. Dates unknown. If a new man has a date, that is not the case. So make sure that the separation effects with the ex-whereirresponsible have been. Clear. Also move your spaziergängen for a very long time, führten hour-long conversations, fill the days with Whatsapp-writing. Was the man so powerful, wenn man nicht weiß, was man tut. Continue to store your food. Laughing, fascinating of the jewels foreign Art. Beziehung? Unthinkable. Affair? Puh, but not now! Continue reading, or you want to know, what is stubborn. And when we were deeply upset, our great catastrophe became a fact.

Die Gefahr een Bennifer-Liebe zu verfallen

It’s best to know that Zweifel is there

Bleiben or gehen? And if so? Eine Entscheidung, die zu met, weiterhin unmöglich perhaps. Statt me zum Teufel zu safe, entschied seich de new Mann jeden Tag een bisschen more für me. It was noisy. Donate to mehr Vertrauen, as I deserve. That can’t even be crazy. On D-Day, when the war has started, the war of the new Mann, I am afraid, I am lost by the Arbeit, I am in the arm and beruhigte, I think it is the direction that is going for würde .

I am ready, according to the Ex.

Without alcohol is not good. The war, which satisfies my womb, war is an unfair weapon. There, if there is a war going on now, then it is a value, with the zur rest kommen wird. Ich, the fact that the most likely dependence on the air is, is the fact that it is being cut down and that it is with the blessing of the blessing more of its nature. Reasons can be there, ideas spin and air locks build. There has never been a problem with reality in a while. It is no different. Ich letterte von dem Podest, on that there had been so long me.

The end of the drama

Maybe it’s something that lasts a long time. Maybe the war between Courtney Love and Kurt Cobain, Sid Vicious and Nancy Spungen is an intense, exciting and unpassionate man. The new Mann is intense, warming and if a man is not careful, no longer needs. But ist auch noch etwas anders: All-in. A man goes on a journey, one of the things he can do. Onder er gab mir, I thought, niet brauchen zu müssen: Sicherheit.

This is not a Liebeser declaration. It is a lying explanation.

I have no shine anymore. I do not believe that old women in stinking wagons can see my future. Another problem is that this woman does not have the greatest chance of being poisoned with toxic substances. Eine Liebe muss gehen, eine wird bleiben. A diesen Satz thought that I, if I ex den Besuch gestattete, was. A diesen Satz thought that it was so, as the new Mann-story. Without this Satz would not have become my Mann. If you lie, a few times a few times can be pricked. No more Beziehung, that is what I have achieved. It may be that it is no longer so. Zumindest without this one.

*The car manufacturer is part of the Stern Editorial Board, for the protection of all parties, this is seen as an anonymous name.