
US-Börsen emptyen kräftig zu – Erleichterung über baldige Zinswende

US-Börsen emptyen kräftig zu – Erleichterung über baldige Zinswende

US-Börsen emptyen kräftig zu – Erleichterung über baldige ZinswendeThe US-Börsen has had a Freitag-kräftig-zugelegt. Our trading in New York was worth 41,175 points, with a plus in the price of 1.1 percent compared to the previous trading day. A few minutes were spent expanding the S&P 500 with a beef 5.625 Punkten 1.1 Prozent in Plus, the technology stock exchange Nasdaq berechnete the Nasdaq 100 with this Zeitpunkt with bovine 19.721 Punkten 1.2 Prozent in Plus. The market said US-Zentralbank Federal Reserve chief Jerome Powell had taken over the leadership of the US central bank, and Zinsen had gone bald. “There is a time when money politics has changed,” said a recent Notenbanker meeting in Jackson Hole.

The discharge of the leitzinssenkungen was caused by the data and the Aussichten-afhängen. Powell has made it clear that the Fed has another low interest rate on the labor market, which is no longer continued or is continued. When I look at the American trading market data again, the pressure on the chef of the German central bank is taken over. The European Gemeinschaftswährung war in leisure costs: a euro costs 1.1189 US dollars, a dollar war is paid for 0.8937 euros. The Goldpreis can be profitable and will yield a profit of 2.511 US dollars (+0.9 percent). A price of 72.14 euros per gram has been paid. The price has only just begun: A Fass der Nordsee-Sorte Brent costs at Freitagabend gegen 22 Uhr deutscher Zeit 79.01 US-Dollar, that was 2.3 Prozent more as at Schluss of the previous Handelstags.

Photo: Wall Street in New York, über dts Nachrichtenagentur