
Zusamenarbeit with AfD “würde the CDU”

Zusamenarbeit with AfD “würde the CDU”

For the Landtagswahlen in Saxony, Thuringia and Brandenburg, CDU leader Friedrich Merz has prepared a meal with the AfD. “That’s what the CDU is upsetting,” says Merz to the German Editorial Network. The soul of the AfD is the disruption of the CDU. “If it takes longer, politics will not want to lend a hand.”

More concrete, the clear value of the CDU Mitglieder is a matter of the AfD, a smaller part of the time. »We must also explain more, that at our limits this is, what we consider conservative. These limits are outlined, if they are right-wing extremist, right-wing radical, anti-democratic, anti-Semitic and hostile to foreigners, like the CDU supporters.

Merz: Wählertäuschung und Missbrauch von Landtagswahlen

One of the largest coalitions with the Bundnis Sahra Wagenknecht (BSW) – which the CDU no longer fundamentally out – said Merz, was after the Wahlen geschehe, insulted and feudal lord in the Hand of the Landesverbände. Warning is for a mistake. »I judge everyone from the West German Comfort Zone, who with public arguments back to them. The Landesverbonden, who lead a most vigorous Wahlkampf-fight, are no more at all.«

See more criticism of the BSW chairwoman Sahra Wagenknecht. »Frau Wagenknecht must do it, if she goes to the Landtagswahlen about the War and Peace. It has never been a big problem, it has gone quickly with the elections for a country and a missbrauchs of Landtagswahlen, when the BSW founded the Eindruck, as a man on the country political way to make a ​​​​solche Fragen-agreement. “Once again in Dresden about the exit of NATO was entschieden nor in Erfurt about the stationing of American middle-range rockets, said the CDU leaders.

Wagenknecht hates the preliminary deployments for a government deployment of the BSW in Thuringia an end to the Waffenlieferungen and the Ukraine and more diplomatic initiative of the Bundesregierung. There will be no more time for the stationing of the US-Raketen.

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