
Drei Tote und funf Schwerverletzte at Anschlag in Solingen

Drei Tote und funf Schwerverletzte at Anschlag in Solingen

After the Messerattacke on the 650-year-old Feier of the Stadt Solingen with three toten who have the number of the Schwerverletzten up to date. The Täter is on the run again. “We have no hint at this time on our departure date”, would be a police spokesman. If you look at the smooth playback, there is no information available.

Once you are in the tumult and in the panic that you expand after the fact that you come, you can make a speech about the ministries of NRW. The Angreifer has had a lot of fun on the Hals-blessinger that was taken. If you act, that is a party. Derzeit finde die Spurensicherung statt. Die Toten lie nog am Tatort. You do not see it identified.

A Polizeisprecher reed: If the suspects are beobachte, do not act on their own initiative, under the Notruf 110 wählen. Die Polizei in Wuppertal ief via Facebook dazu auf, die Solinger Innenstadt zu girls.

The police scum is no longer an attack, but an assault. Make sure you get the soul-oriented taste of the Täters. Unterdessen by NRW Interior Minister Herbert Reul (CDU) in the night at the Tatort ein.