
Vor Schulstart since in Kärnten nor 95 Lehrerposten unbesetzt

Vor Schulstart since in Kärnten nor 95 Lehrerposten unbesetzt

Die Ferien will be 68,000 Kärntner Schülerinnen for the cattle and Schüler wie for the knapp 7000 Lehrkräfte ins grand Finale. Anyone who is even more guilty of starting a debt will be punished by the Bildungsdirektion de Ausschreibung für offene Lehrerstellen an Landeschulen: 95 since es aktuell – gleich velde wie in Vorjahr. Most of the open plans (61) are a lot longer in the Volksschool, 28 are a Mittelschule, a Fachberufsschule and a Stelle at the Heilstättenschule in Klagenfurt. Bewerbungen possible since August 30. ( Für offene Couples und Bundesschulen kann man sich via edit.

“No teacher shortage”

Thomas Druck, coordinator of the Bildungsdirektion Carinthia, is busy insulting Lehrerstellen so that Schulbeginn does not care and stops the party: “Wir haben in Karinten keinen Lehrermangel.” With the 95 attacking Couples liege man “in Normalbereich”. Der Bedarf erggebe sich roads Karenzierungen, Schwangerschaften, Erkrankungen, Versetzungen or Pensionierungen.

Thomas Druck, Bedarfscorinator en der Bildungsdirection Kärnten

Thomas Druck, Bedarfscorinator en der Bildungsdirection Kärnten

© KK/Bildungsdirektion

It is said: In Upper Carinthia, in some areas in the Bezirk Spittal or Hermagor, you will find a place to live, where you can visit, and if you would like to have a plan in Klagenfurt or Villach, 40 to 50 people should report. “Those Carinthians are immobilized”, said Angebote an Öffis kommen hinzu. Allerdings: If you have had any serious problems with couples in cities, please report them to the following questions regarding offensive posts in your school.

Where should teachers go?

If you see the situation in minority demands, you can better learn to deal with the slow knowledge and in the reach inclusion and integration.

A public school with a 90 percent female enrollment in the subdivisions that use the low herausfordernd: Sehr fell on another 50plus. When young children are occupied with the baby wish and karenzierungen.

Always more part-time

Anyone who also finds one of the Lehrerinnen and Lehrern work-life balance in a theme in others will work more wollen Teilzeit. Wobei Kärnten laut Druck met een 50-zu-50-Quote von Vollzeit- wie Teilzeitkräften besser liege as other Bundesländer.

100 Querein scaffolding

If you ask questions with study and study results, you can start if you have debts and want to improve the personal situation. 54 were in debt (now two weeks ago), 100 were as reborn, who a Mittelschulen, AHS or berufsbildenden mittleren and high debts eleven-to 19-year-olds not-gericht. Before the new life began with the assembly of a new Zwei-Wochen-Kurs, then within eight years an absolutely high debt burden should be reached. The question model is not clear, but the clarification is strong, so Druck. 40 Percent of you, who register themselves, were relieved, because Studium or der Berufspraxis do not fit. You, who did not target, was guided and evaluated by a mentor for a year, what he was good at.