
The effects of the Blauzenkrankheit on Schafe und Rinder

The effects of the Blauzenkrankheit on Schafe und Rinder

– Auswirkungen der Blauzenkrankheit auf Schafe und Rinder

Blue Acid Insanitydie een bedrohung voor schafe und Rinder-darstellt, breitet sich rasant in Deutschland aus. The Friedrich-Loeffler-Institut (FLI) on the inner belts reports a fast Anstieg der Fall. It is one of the highest levels and extreme activities of the elderly who suffer from illness.

Innerhalb von nur zehn Monaten hat sich der Erreger über Germany After Saxony, that is the Friday that the war has hit, a bisher has made no report of a fall in Berlin, with the FLI center.

What is an error for?

There is a virus being traded, which is caused by the Blue-Zunge-Virus (BTV). Schafe, Rinder, South American Camels, Ziegen and wild wiederkäuer are no longer suitable for that virus, there are 20 different variants, for example serotypes, work. At the moment the type is BTV-3 in Germany and other European states.

Who were Schafe and Rinder infiltrated?

Most BTV friends were heard from the blutsaugenden-mücken der Culicoides-Gruppe übertragen, die zur Stechmückenfamilie. They thrive especially in warm water with higher Feuchtigkeit.

According to an article in the “Science” magazine, thousands of kilometers can fly in a few days – so hundreds of kilometers with a tailwind. The transport of goods can lead to the spread of the virus. If a virus causes an infection, the virus is removed in the best lymph nodes. Infected animals are usually immune for life. If you are infected with the active variant, it is not the case that it can also happen with other serotypes.

Who is the virus for humans?

There is a harmless human being who has the best of the Friedrich Loeffler Institute. There is nothing wrong with human nutrition. Meat and milk production of gefährdeten animals can be thought of as consumable.

Who is deeply affected by Tieren?

The Blaue-Zunge-Krankheit is very calm and you can forget it after Serotyp. Schafe often leads a schwerer Mundschmerzen and Lahmheit, with the FLI message. The characteristic effect of the sun is relatively rare. Beim Rind relieves the illness more mildly.

Laut Data from the Netherlands, which are affected longer, will be affected by a foursome of damage at the height and the active variant BTV-3/NET2023 – deutlich more than with other variants. All you have to do is take more than 70 percent of the costs. The mortality is at the Rindern-higher and the milk production can at Milchkühen deutlich sink.

What is the current status?

In the last few days we would like to inform you about the fall and more Bundesländern reports. While the FLI had 13 affected by a Bundesweit registration in June, there were über 1,200 in July. By August 23, more than 4,800 affected people were reported.

The FLI can fall and be hit again over the years. And: “We will definitely start using BTV-3 a year later.”

In Germany it costs 10.6 Millionen Rinder (Stand Mai), davon beef 3.7 Millionen Milchkühe. Bayern, Baden-Württemberg, Lower Saxony, North Rhine-Westphalia and Schleswig-Holstein machen über 75 Prozent der Rinder aus.

The FLI saw the expansion of the serotypes at 3 months after the 8 of the serotypes in 2007. The last years of the new fall as a rule in the second half of the year are strong and disappeared when the end of the years was, you nach the hand and its activity übertragende Mücken.

Do you want to stem the BTV-3/NET2023 variant?

It is always the case that when we are in South Africa, the FLI cannot be the best or a wider world. The meaningful information about the fact that everyone can use BTV-3-Ausbrüchen in Europe has started in a fruitful way.

The Bundesinstitut has established the international trade for its probable Einfuhrmittel. It is not necessarily that the damage or the Rindern is necessary: ​​the infused mud can also be combined with materials.

The variant was discovered in the Netherlands in September 2023 and spread. The first infection in Germany lasted in October 2023 at a Schafhof in North Rhine-Westphalia.

Experts are generally a bit of the opinion that the climbing wall of the Krankheit is free, but that the Mücken is free of it, the winter in the winter and that they then separate. Higher temperatures for the Vermehrung des Pathogens in Mücken.

Is the Epidemic for the Farmer?

The Ausbrüche status is shown as “frei von Blauer-Zunge-Krankheit”. Many of the affected areas have now been tested and treated with instructions in the BTV-free environment, the trade has come behind the power.

“Now all federal states are affected by the trade in the interior of Germany, which can make other Anforderungen possible”, says the Bauernverband. All offers are from the trade with BTV-free regions in the EU that have been greatly improved or are one of the best best conditions.

Bauern stehen auch by reducing milk production and tote Tiere for Verlusten. Während of the BTV-8-Epidemic in the year 2007 is the Tierseuchenausgleichsfonds in Germany for 33,233 tote Schafe and 10,240 tote Rinder, with the FLI message set.

Could it be that this Sickness is no longer recommended?

A note that the use of three BTV-3 substances is possible. These symptoms and viruses can be reduced over time, such as the FLI miteilt. It may be that you can not use a full-fledged Schutz and more information.

The Future of Life Institute (FLI) has graduated from one of the most advanced mechanisms for the future. Everything that the free impfung has to offer, in the regulation of the financial world of the Tierbesitz, a lower acceptance rate as the vermflichtende impfung, the more normal development of the financing fund of the Tierkrankheitsfonds.

The Bauernverband became “Impffstoffe umfassend eingesetzt”. Bedauerlicherweise were not available in the most affected areas. The consequence of the impact on the Schutz of the population group is that the epidemic is becoming increasingly infected.

The expansion of the blue sky in Germany is most important for the high activity of the Krankheitsübertragenden Mücken, especially the Culicoides-Gruppe, zurückzuführen, die in warm weather with higher Moisture. The text is the “Agriculture” in Germany, which is described by the Rinder- and Schafzucht, through which the expansion of the BTV-3 serotypes of the blue Zunge virus is affected.

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