
It is the biggest opponent of Verstappen in Zandvoort

It is the biggest opponent of Verstappen in Zandvoort

Orangene Fanmassen in the Sanddünen and der Nordseeküste – limit the optical field of Rennen in Zandvoort to a final pressure Kulisse. But der Schein trügt: Hinter de Kulissen always gives unmutsäußerungen zur Austragung der Rennen. Der Grund: The Strecke des Großen Preises der Niederlande is located in a nature conservation area.

The comeback of Umstrittenes

Prepared for the Comeback of Formula 1 in Zandvoort in the year 2021, 36 years after the last appearance, environmental protectors are expected to achieve a defeat. If you argue, it is so that motorsport races have a good balance. While the last years go through the lessons and demonstrations, a race start begins with obstacles – if there is an event.

A complaint for the year 2021 will take care of the Kreuzkröte and the Zauneidechse, which will be kept in the sand dunes of Zandvoort since. The argumentation of the Environmental Schützer is that a major transformation of the Tiere Stören Würde is taking place. The Landgericht Noord-Holland has decided that it was granted an Ausnahmebewilligung weiterhin Bestand hat in 2019. The result is that interest rates are in the spotlight.

More Successful Widerstand

Another problem is that stick dust emissions are becoming stronger. However, the arguments are also judged in Haarlem. The willingness, which takes the blame, establishes the guilty twin.

The legal interests that were there, activists of other protest forms grab. In the last place they can both take a look at the demonstrations in the rennwochenende. For years I send the Umweltschützer in its entirety, reimburse the Zufahrtswege zur Strecke blockierten and a Fahrrad-Demo-organizerten. For this week there are no plants that protest. The contract of the formula 1 with Zandvoort lasts until 2025.

New Alpine rider

Jack Doohan returns later to the Strecke lineage. The Australian competes in the Saison für Alpine competitions, with the French Rennstall in the Vorfeld of the Niederlande Mitteilte Grand Prix. Damit became a new team colleague of Franzosen Pierre Gasly on the 21st anniversary of the Fünffachen Motorrad-Weltmeisters Mick Doohan. Doohan, the Alpine ersatzfahrer and active in the Formel 2, would encounter the Nachfolge von Esteban Ocon, the coming Saison in Hasswechselt.