
Offenburg Fessenbach 16 Mannschaften since Start beim Spätlese-Cup Nachrichten der Ortenau

Offenburg Fessenbach 16 Mannschaften since Start beim Spätlese-Cup Nachrichten der Ortenau

The Volleyball-Spielgemeinschaft Fessenbach will be opened on October 3 during the Volleyball-Spätlese-Cup in Zell-Weierbach. Schon jetzt ist der Andrang riesig, joy sich der Verein.

The Volleyball-Spielgemeinschaft Fessenbach will continue at the 22nd Volleyball-Spätlese-Cup for Volleyball-Freizeitmannschaften on October 3rd in the Turnhalle in Zell-Weierbach, with Steve Hölzle informed by the VSG Fessenbach. The preparations for Turnier are in full swing. In those years that the area has evolved to 16 men, it is so that the aftermath of Turnier is larger and in August the Absagen will probably have to happen.

Six teams from Ortenau have joined in South Baden, two from Nordbaden and a team from Göppingen, who were informed by other teams. “It is the biggest volleyball leisure tournament in Ortenau”, says Hölzle. The Spätlese Cup genius is one of the volleyball leisure teams of the southern and northern Baden associations, in the region that has a high degree of success.

– To display –

Play in the sports hall of the Grundschule Zell-Weierbach, the ideal beds are sweet. Announcement for the Mannschaften is on September 25. Speziell für Nordbaden kommen de Mannschaften aus dem Karlsruher and Rastatter Raum and für Südbaden aus Freiburg, Denzlingen and Waldkirch. Starke Mannschaften from Nordbaden holten sich schon mal die ersten Platze. I started buying Team Ortenau with the Wildcard, soft drinks that are Team now without Startgebühren teilnehmen kann. A package finale is loved by Team Rastatt from Nordbaden with the Team Hai der Hammerzhai. If the Letzte des Turniers no longer learns, then this Mannschaft is no longer able to play volleyball.

10 o’clock has started

It’s a matter of price you deserve, thanks to the profits and the revenue. “One of the best is a Spätlese-Weinflasche je Mannschaft dabei,” says Steve Hölzle, his sister with his Mannschaftskollegen on a beautiful Turnier-fret. The playing starts at 10 a.m. and the Siegerhrung begins around 6:30 p.m. Whoever spends this year will have a peaceful and warm Speisen experience. Aber auch für Kaffeefreunde gibt is a Kuchenbuffet and a breit Palette and Getränken. These children can have exciting play and interesting legal battles for children. The Volleyball Club Fessenbach with organizer Steve Hölzle is the best for this Turnier player, and all the friends are a tolles on the court and a lot of Zuschauer.