
Stadt Nittenau kämpft plötzlich against Naturfriedhof – Media-Markt-Gründer grift ein

Stadt Nittenau kämpft plötzlich against Naturfriedhof – Media-Markt-Gründer grift ein

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Stadt Nittenau kämpft plötzlich against Naturfriedhof – Media-Markt-Gründer grift ein
Media Markt-Gründer Walter Gunz (right) hat Jürgen Kölbl seine Unterstützung zgesagt. © private

With fragmentary methods, the Stadt Nittenau can improve the Gründer des Naturfriedhofs Schlosswald vor. Nun erhält is een namhafte Unterstützung.

Nittenau/Regensburg – Four years ago, the Regensburger Jürgen Kölbl established an existing economic existence, above all with a living work: the Naturfriedhof Schlosswald near Nittenau. For years there has been a trial before the Verwaltungsgericht Regensburg, a right that you can reach. Nun erhält Kölbl Schützenhilfe von eenem erfahrenen und namhaften Unternehmer.

Media Markt-Gründer Walter Gunz hat Kölbl in Schlosswald besucht und his Unterstützung in Kampf met der Stadt Nittenau-zugesichert. “Recht muss Recht bleiben, mit dem Unrecht darf man keine Kompromisse machen”, so Gunz.

Naturfriedhof Schlosswald: A Gründer with Herzblut and Idealismus

First time in März, Jürgen Kölbl, the Schlosswald and the fragmentary Vorgehen der Stadt Nittenau (Schwandorf District) gave the Gründer des Naturfriedhofs message.

In 2011, one of the great years that a beige Baum setzt wolllte began, the age of 62 began to civilize with the theme of Naturfriedhöfe. “That is what I have accomplished in my past work,” it says. The fact is that you can start with the Counts of Drechsel, your Wald über 30 years with the Extend option.

There is a service agreement with the City of Nittenau zum Betrieb des Friedhofs. Roughly 500,000 Euros – finance a loan – invest in the Gutachten, Bauleitplanverfahren and the following subsequent expenses.

Find Holzpavillons for the Trauerzeremonie, a Tiny House as Empfangsbereich, and a Schreiner in Regenstauf, the Holzurnen for the Schlosswald restores, and a Glaskünstler in Pirkensee, the individual Tafeln for Felsen and Bäume gestaltet.

Naturfriedhof Schlosswald: Vorzeige project with Vorbild character

In 2015, Der Naturfriedhof would like to enjoy the delicacies of all Beteiligten – especially in the city of Nittenau. There is a sorting for Schlagzeilen, Nachfrage and Furore. The two natural farms of the Bayerischen Staatsforsten in Mittenwald (eröffnet 2021) und Königsholz (eröffnet 2023) orient themselves des Gestaltung von Gebühren, Aufteilung von Grabstätten und de Friedhofssatzung nahezu vollständig am Konzept des Schlosswalds.

More than 500 people have invested in 22 hectares of woodland with more than 1000 reservations. But since 2021, Kölbl lies with the city of Nittenau in Clinch – completely exuberant. Before you carry out any professional action, this is the solution for the zermürben.

No issue and an anwaltfax: fragments from the city of Nittenau

First consider the City over the Monate who are willing to live together, enjoy the peace and quiet and behauptungen in the world. Schließlich stellte de Stadt sich auf de Standpunkt, dass der mit ihm geschlossene Vertrag zum Betrieb des Friedhofs nichtig sei – with fragwürdiger Begründung. Have the man informed about the fax and published in the media over a medium term.

A trial before the Administrative Court, a demittelweile also Kölbls Landlord Drechsel’s Grave as Beigeladener is, is the least of a trio of years on his warten. Although the 62-year-old age lasts longer than the current state of Nittenau – more than 100,000 euros.

Naturfriedhof-Gründer: “The wollen, that’s what I eat.”

“These woolens, that’s my life,” said Kölbl, that they are still alive, that’s why they are not without their economic existence, without having to continue their life work. But there is always a legacy of writing – Anrufe und Mut machende Zuschrift. “That’s all right. It is so that I can think and reflect.”

If they took Unterstützer hat Kölbl nun Walter Gunz won. Gunz, from 1979 with two Mitstreitern de Elektronikgroßhandel Media Markt gründete and as Schöpfer des Slogans “Ich bin doch nicht blöd” gilded, where by the Hinweis a Friend on our article of the Kölbls Situation auf merksam.

Vorgehen der Stadt Nittenau: Media Markt-Gründer spricht von “Unrechtigkeit und Willkür”

“Here we had a Fall of Unrighteousness and Will, which is my own personal image,” said Gunz in the conversation with our Editorial Staff. There is transport with the Kölbl at the Friedhof and it is true that there is a problem. A “Zukunftsprojekt” has been created, the Kölbl here with Liebe and Herzblut is as good as new. “Herr Kölbl ist, he sees and sprints man, a wahrer Idealist.”

If idealists are in the Alltag, so Gunz for the background of the road, which is for that Karriere as a company in another group has gemacht. „Bürokratie, Mangel and Einsicht, lack of empathy and responsibility have I well known. The gray man, the Michael Ende in his Roman Momo, goes over the damals.’ Kölbls Geschichte has a seine frühere Zeit erinnert, so Gunz. Here you see a few gray men on the road.

Appeal for a judicial decision

“I am a human being of understanding, that is why I am alive, that is what I do today. Aber Recht muss Recht bleiben, mit dem Unrecht darf man keinen Kompromiss machen.” An appeal is made to the party in this struggle, to find a justice and a responsible solution. “Nicht verschleppt auf lang Zeit, sondern here, jetzt und heute.”

There are no personal, material interests and the fall, I want “them to bring a few things into the house and the rest of the world, while the broader offering is what is happening – spiritual and material.”

It is not intended that you choose a terminal for a successful business operation, while the Administrative Court Regensburg has a point in the first place: From an ineffectiveness the complete contracts are not to be taken out. And: even if they are so, Kölbl bzw. dessen Schlosswald GmbH has given an answer to an agreed approval for the best adjustments carried out in the future.