
Görlitz: A früher Rückkehrer: „1990 I spent little time here on the road“

Görlitz: A früher Rückkehrer: „1990 I spent little time here on the road“

A früher Rückkehrer: “1990 I lived here very little on the road”

Wolfgang Hedicke waged war against the flourishing Görlitzer Tourismus. With a single court in Ludwigsdorf, it is a Lebensgeschichte connected, which in its nach Aachen führte. Jetzt war is wader here.

Wolfgang Hedicke stands in front of his Geburtshaus in ehemaligen Gutshof Hedicke (heute: Dein Gutshof) in Ludwigsdorf.

Wolfgang Hedicke stands in front of his Geburtshaus in ehemaligen Gutshof Hedicke (heute: Dein Gutshof) in Ludwigsdorf.
© Paul Glaser/

When the first Blick in the Görlitzer Ortsteil Ludwigsdorf came out, Wolfgang Hedicke was no longer there. Daniela Ledwon from Görlitz has founded a Gutshof in the Neißetalstraße heißt mittlerweile “Dein Gutshof” and has her year as a Hotel Garni – ohne Restaurant, with a good Frühstück, this guest will probably still come back.

But the first Blick-täuscht. Daniela Ledwon is one of the collaborators of the work of Wolfgang Hedicke: “Whatever happened here, is absolutely brilliant”, said: “There was a war blessing that came before us.” Make sure that W-LAN is available here.

So sah der Hof Anfang der 1990er-Jahre aus.

So sah der Hof Anfang der 1990er-Jahre aus.
© Photo: private

Hedicke war ends in aller Munde. There is Gutshof in Ludwigsdorf in a healthy time, as der Tourismus in Görlitz das Laufen. For 30 years the new hotel chains in Europastadt and the Vielfalt der Gaststätten and Hotels have merged. The other Gutshof is ready.

Now war Wolfgang Hedicke is back in Ludwigsdorf. When you see the Geburtshaus standing, look at the inner peace. Memories and beautiful childhood years, as the farm still has a more lively farm war, with horses, bulls, sheep, ducks, miller and dreschmachine. When an inner war takes place, a war can arise.

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“I was born here in December 1935,” says Wolfgang Hedicke. On February 18, 1945, the family began fleeing the Russian detours, a few weeks after Staßfurt, in Goslar, Minden and safely in Aachen, where they spent their lives with their friends. .

The Court in Ludwigsdorf after Hedicke 45 years ago – until May 1990, when the Mauerfall first began in the other Heimat journey and the Court. “Damals habe ich here weinend auf der Straße gestanden und die verfallenen Gebäude betrachtet”, he said. The LPG has gotten the power from the corn bearings, but the others have let everything down.

Schnell war for ihn clear: There may be a problem – one of your saniers and that is what you can do to survive. But the Rückübertragung did not appear to be the same: “I am happy with the information contained in the Grundbüchern, I am happy with Dresden research.” Dort has a schließlich Aussagen-founded Vaters, the first Amtsvorsteher in the war in Ludwigsdorf. However, if the Rückübertragung dauerte es: “Bei meiner eleventen Fahrt hereher here ich 1991 endlich den Bescheid bekommen”, remembers sich der 88-Jährige. The damage done by Landrat Dieter Liebig is that he did nothing: “Oh, if everything wasn’t done.”

But Hedicke could not go further than other re-entry and start with the redevelopment: “Ich hatte ja meine Arbeit in Aachen.” The mechanical war had only just begun in the 1990s as an industrial master in the technical era. Statutory wars have never been about 30 years ago as Sohn Eike, a caravan that would become in Ludwigsdorf and damn it. If you know that you get the best Häuser der Gastronomie, you can buy it in a Sterne-Restaurant in Düsseldorf.

Vaters Hof as a busy Chance

Vaters alten Hof in Ludwigsdorf is now as Chance, itself as Gastronomic choice of machen. In the winter I saw the extreme painting of the 60-year-old age of Eike Hedicke: “I have here a fang in a small room, that is a minus a higher degree.” In 1992 the Hedickes of the Hof with Friends and Friends were busy with local Baufirmen rehabilitated. The loss is with the first Herrenhaus, the Geburtshaus von Wolfgang Hedicke. Darin entstanden Restaurant, Café and two conference rooms. “Without the Keller for a Weinlager that appeared on the net in December 1993,” said Eike Hedicke.

Two years ago the clean-up of the fires behind the other stalls began. Who is a giant: The war has fallen hard, but it must be all decks clear. Further two years apart it is a hotel with 14 rooms. Then the shed is dran, the three and last buildings of the other courtyards. It is possible to switch off the Veranstaltungssaal. The combination of restaurant, hotel and sales functions for the Hedickes. Musicians and cabaret artists from Bill Ramsey to Breschke & Schuch go hand in hand with the interpretation of the music. But Eike Hedicke became a private lucky charm in Ludwigsdorf. There is an heir and this is the blessing of Frau drei Töchter. Wolfgang Hedicke commuted after a long retirement at the “Gutshof Hedicke” in Ludwigsdorf and the blessings in Aachen and her. Letztere ist mit Ludwigsdorf has not warmed up, the war has started here: There is only one thing you can do with the Ort and the Hof.

2004 was the year of bankruptcy

The big bang came from 2004 in the Form of an Insolvency. Undebtedness, as Eike Hedicke states: “We have here 3.5 Millions of D-Marks invested and half of the day within the next years.” The rest is no longer possible in the future. It is a fact that the Prime Minister Georg Milbradt has implemented a Sparkassen reform. “We were informed of the old credit agreement, the new payment plan was set for six years, suddenly four weeks”, Hedicke said: “I couldn’t do that.” The bankruptcy application in the Altbundesländer can no longer take, but it will not take longer.

Weil is a nice family family that is concerned with the family at Lake Constance and has started a large catering service that lasts a long time. Then power is in 2014 again independent. “Hedicke’s Terracotta” is called his local in Konstanz am Bodensee. It is a good business for the Gutshof Hedicke in Ludwigsdorf – with Veranstaltungssaal, Restaurant, Café and Catering. If it is good, says Eike Hedicke.

Aufpassen, dass der Hof nicht Verällt

Signal Vater did not leave in 2004, but never left in Ludwigsdorf. The Court was also resolved after the Insolvency. “Stattdessen have found a home in the Nachbargrundstück,” it reports. Seine mission: Da sein. Aufpassen, dass der Hof nicht Verällt. That is Wolfgang Hedicke gelungen.

In 2007 he was sent to Ludwigsdorf and traveled with another tractor, provided he hung up in Aachen. Highest speed: 18.7 kilometers per hour. Wolfgang Hedicke spent seven days, for every day seven to twenty hours. The court in Ludwigsdorf has nothing to do with what happens in the days. The war between 2007 and 2024 was not even a fact – a beer digung. His court had bought Dutchmen. If you have more right, you can get the right. 2013 finally ended for sale, seither is again in good hands: in Denmark by Daniela and David Ledwon from Görlitz. They have fallen in the invested investments.

So come and see the Hotel Garni

So look at the Hotel Garni “Dein Gutshof” in Ludwigsdorf here.
© Paul Glaser/

If the Ledwons are looking for two Monaten Urlaub am Bodensee, choose a unique “Hedicke’s Terracotta”. So go to contact. A Wolfgang and Eike Hedicke went to Görlitz for a week, lived in the Gutshof and had a hard time with their lives from 1991 to 2007. Old acquaintances and friends were darrunter, former employees and Azubis as well as people from the Ämtern and Belongings in and a Görlitz. Other debt friends who Wolfgang Hedicke no longer found here. For 2007 there is still a few, but no more introspection. If you are in the war in Ludwigsdorf, if you are promoted by Leuten for a while, then you can be free all the time.

Eike Hedicke will now be the Ludwigsdorf visit to tradition – and fortan every summer for a week come back, to reunite all the people and places. If all goes well, Mal will become a part of his wife and perhaps even be born here, which today lasts 27, 22 and 20 years. Also Wolfgang Hedicke, from the house in Aachen, while Traktor does not even regularly practice Tractor meetings, will be a few years later. “I will come with the next six years”, said the 88-year-old. One has to see it in life.