
Warum Menschen prokrastinieren und wie man is überwindet

Warum Menschen prokrastinieren und wie man is überwindet

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On April 12, 2024 – three days before the foundation for the Abgabe of the Steuererklärung in the USA – it is a quartet of American Steuerzahler that has not yet ended. Postponement – ​​it was a fact that you would be aware of the negative results and unpleasantness that are likely – weet viele. Leader is often worth saving costs. For example, it can pose a problem with the quality of one’s own work. It is possible that stress is emphasized by definition and that stress can of course be a tribute. Chronic prokrastinierer messages are caused by a lighter search and increasing the financial finances.

If you also want such a stehen-kommt, is it then so that people regularly occur? Years of guarantees have a right to a psychological list of factors, which go together with the hanging. If it is not clear, the mental process of the separation, a start-up or a start-up, is a lie. Who is separated, a start-up or a project in his or her life, if a foundation has a party?

If this excerpt comes from the study, it is a matter of studying, in the case of postponing the postponement, in the people of an acquired education, it is an important goal, a strategic and thorough undertaking. If people have a negative opinion about this, it is important that the person has a self-conscious control.

Through the Grundgedanke that a Labor War offers, man can influsst the best einschätzungen of his Environment when selling his vision. These reflections can extend into your work. If a steuerzahler has erhalten all the inherited orderlichen sublagen hat – in der Regel weit vor Ablauf der Frist für die Einreichung der Steuererklärung –, there can be a fragment: »Möchte ich das now Where? “These Frage sollte ainige positive Ergebnisse (zum Beispiel die Befriedigung, aine Aufgabe zu erleden en möglicherweise früher aine Steuerrückerstattung zu erhalten) and a negative Ergebnisse (zum Beispiel die Langwierigkeit der Aufgabe) in Erinnerung rufen. Let the positive aspects and the negative ones be weighed There is an individual who deals with art and wisdom, with people in all positive and negative signals – a remarkable one, by psychologists valence weighting bias (etwa: Valenzgewichtungsbias) nennen. When a person carries a different weight, the weight of the other weights can be longer. Once you know that you have a negative weight, the delay is not necessary.

In our first study done by Umfragen Personen, who in general with a Steuerrückerstattung rechneten, aber dazu tenden, het Steuern is interwoven (in the letzten both January or Anfang Februar) or spät in der Steuersaison (in the letzten both April weeks) einzureichen . There are 232 people who offer us a number of popular games that can take the next step in their fall weight with Hilfe a bigger game, which is possible as »BeanFest«. Darin brought a single Bohnen Punkte, if they parted, während other zu a Verlust führten. Später untersuchten wir die Teilnehmer die neu erlernten Assoziationen (zum Beispiel, dass längliche Bohnen with borne Sprenkeln schlecht and runde Bohnen with few Sprenkeln gut were) auf neue Bohnenbilder with both positive and negative aspects (zum Beispiel runde Bohnen with borne Sprenkel n) ubertrugen. Those persons, who, as the new works council, resemble the negative brand-masculine supports, will have a negative valenzweight, while they die, if they stand on the positive brand-masculine supports, a positive valenzweight factor.

Die Entscheidungen, de Menschen in diesem Spiel kosten, openen baren etwas sehr Grundlegendes: Es stellt sich heraus, dass die Tendenz, entwines positive or negative associations in diesem Test zu vorzugen, als Stellvertreter für das overall Verhalten beim Abwägen von Vor-oder Nachteilen used kann , wenn man Entscheidungen jeglicher Art trifft. If these people talk to her, if the persons receive the message, then their handlebars are withdrawn first in the season, one of the negative consequences of it. Make sure that the weight of the non-combined aspects in the Steuererklärung increases more.

After you have financed the last time, you can use the help of the Aufgaben-vorhersagte, volved with another Ansatz. There are 147 students who have done a einem-research in psychology, after their research and a program for forschungserfahrung. The absolvierung of these programs with one of the most festive events of Experimentierstunden brought about a kind of punk. Other data that you can think of, are on the by the schnittliche datum of the Forschungsteilnahme; In the Großen and Ganzen there is a späteres-datum on a larger Aufschub der Aufgabe hin. If the stress of the end of the semester shifts, the stress of the end of the semester changes.

There has been research on another element. Other solutions are very, if the valenzgewichtsbias the detscheidungsfindungsstärker is influsst, if people are relatively unmotivated, about their impulsive reaction-hinauszudenken, or not about the cognitive resources and the time waste, which are. Also we benefit the students, on a scale of 1 (‘not at all obvious’) to 5 (‘very obvious’) to judge who is strong Explanations as “I can understand research well wide” sotimmten. It is not that it is one of the most important self-checks, as soon as the semester in the Research program begins. Even more: ​​Those with a negative weight change, in this case the consequences of the war – who will experience the duration of the war for all>/em> if you have a simple self service function I am German.

Do you want to know if the valenzweight bias and the aufgabenverzögerung are drying up? In our research, the study did not understand this information. We will question the curriculum of students in the program for Forschungserfahrung. If you look at the entire pool of students you want to recruit, you can do all the time with postponement of business. These aspects, which are so uninterested, can cause a negative valenzweight bias.

If you want to tell the students that their curriculum is there, after the main stream principles are a control or a representation group. Both groups play BeanFest, where a training program is played. If you go through the war, you will fight a new, hilarious or shady war, and you will remain in your separation later objective right war. During this feedback, the effect of the training could be effective, while the night and the night will last, while your perspective is weighed. In the control process, while there are no results, the tendency of the guilt will be positive or negative in comparisons, but will not provide other information.

After the BeanFest Intervention has achieved the study results that went to the semester. End the development of the students of the Versuchsgruppe zwei Wochen spaeter less indications of procrastination – also a higher research commitment – than the students of the control group. Anyway, these recalibration changes, be that as it may, and that was in the real world only selten forgotten: A lovely objective correct feedback on the positive and negative weight signals, and by the change of the weight is the tendency of the valenzgewicht in a certain direction outweighed Equal weights. When BeanFest appears in the first place with one of the following options, the function of this function, while the exit of the previous and night situation is a situation in which it is equal to a bohnen or a real separation trade. If you also kill the people of the BeanFest season, you will die less in the non-working conditions situation.

Putting it all together can be a light on the process, the procrastination leading. When people are dealing with a first confrontation, they will look at their fragments: »Will ich das now make?« That’s what it does, that they take the pre- and night-time off – and that’s what their pre-conditions come into play. Although we perform strict tests, it was used in our study to perform training exercises a few times, a person who helps, with postponement of training. Cognitive Training on the basis of these assumptions – for example by an app – can help people, who go to camps with the request of assignments. Our work also has other, more essential effects. If we look at the weight of the great power in the development of the human head, then the motivation and the knowledge of the sources is a fact, an implantation and one of the most likely ways to increase power, such as an impulse in Angriff nehmen sollen or nicht. With other words: If man himself has brought something, a little more thought before he acts, that can be achieved, positive Gründe zu find, an anzufangen and sicherzustellen, that, if it was taken care of, would not be postponed tomorrow.

It is an analysis and analysis article and the author or authoritative analysis is no longer notorious from Scientific American.