
Forgetting the BMI – look at the statistics at Abnehmen achten sollten

Forgetting the BMI – look at the statistics at Abnehmen achten sollten

If the BMI continues to know the person for a long time, if it orients itself, the entire health care system will be untouchable – an alternative alternative will be offered.

We are always happy to have something to think about. Who or how Körper Energie works. Often the remains are in the form of weight loss – or Abnahme sprochen. In the first place you are aware of your Stoffwechsel darum, “the potenzielle Energie in der Nahrung in eine nutzbare Energieform umzuwandeln, die unsere Zellen antreibt”, erklärt Casey Means, Bestsellerautorin des Buches “Good energy: the surprising connection between metabolism and limitless health” (zu Deutsch: Gute Energie: Der überraschende Zusammenhang zwischen unserem Stoffwechsel und Grenloser Gesundheit) und Mitbegründer von Levels, een Gerät zur Überwachung des eigenen Stoffwechsels.

The change of substances is a different process in our essential body – not only for the weight loss. An unhealthy metabolism can cause a different disease with type 2 diabetes, Alzheimer’s, symptoms, heart circularity problems and autoimmune diseases.

The BMI war is here – a substance that is heavier

The Body Mass Index is from verschiedene Gründen a real truthful Kennzahl. If it is good, it is a fact that the statistical value is not greater than the only person who works less well. Although the BMI has a dimensional and less great weight, it is only with the weight of the weight. It was never invented, but the Muskeln-schwerer is as Fettgewebe. Demnach can give a training person a higher musk posture as a very heavy weight.

If there is ‘metabolic health’, the health will also have material consequences, which will produce a complete application. If the substances of the blood sugar, blood pressure, blood fat, progressive heart-circulation illnesses and obesity are. A Umfrage in the USA hat has become 93.2 percent of the US dollar hat no sent Stoffwechsel haben. Was it a genau bedeutet tie?

The ‘metabolic health’ has never been included in our Alltags statements and is also not relatively new in the Medizin. If there are other people who live together, then the first thing the man does is, the festivities can take place in the dusty way. The American health care system will often prevent the man from now on one of the symptoms of the man occurs. It may be effective that the people who are concerned with solving problems and no longer have any problem areas.

“The substance change health supports everything,” says Dr. Markyia Nichols, health professional at Ciba Health, one of the US-American health organizations. “If we have a dusty hat, the hat is often more energetic, which makes him mentally better and leads a better life and a gestigte Wohlbefinden,” she explains. If you want to use a worse dusty substance, the man is chronically tired and has fallen, all his activities imitated and alive in his whole life. And: “If you get your substance change better in the grip, the risk for all chronic symptoms and diseases quickly disappears,” so it means.

So it could be that a material solution has occurred

Heutzutage stuünden der Ärzteschaft gleich more Hilfsmittel zur Verfügung, which make them useless, an umfassdenden Überblick über the Dustwechsel-Gesundheit zu erhalten. These are detailed fragments of fragments of lebensstil, messages of blutzuckers, blutuntersuchungen, blutdruckmessungen and messages of weight omfangs. These can help in recognizing a problem, while the recognizable knowledge of weight or BMI is not taken seriously.

If the test is not normal, Nichols and his team are lying about the Sache on the Ground, one of the most fundamental solutions and inflows of life. “We are not just treating a symptom, without really considering the whole thing,” says Nichols. If some substances are not functioning optimally, it may be that this is not the case. Man has never found a natural product on a “quick” or “slow” substance that would last his entire life. “Das Ermutigende daran ist,” sagt Means: “that we can do so much to improve it.” Laut Michal Mor, Mitbegründer des Dustwechsel-Überwachungsgeräts Lumen, can offer us a Dustwechsel-Gesundheit-beeinflussen, indem with four Bereiche our Lebens changen: Ernährung, Bewegung, Schlaf and Stress.

It was possible, however, to improve the material structure

The results of the optimization of the material health are never new, but it is not possible to expand the Empfehlungen with all the possibilities, which will be with the prosperity. Sleep when you are out of breath, when you are dust-free with little movement, move your body (as little as possible a little) and reconcile your stress level under control by stopping.

This article is originally from GQ US.