
Nelly Furtado with new album after 7 years: “I’m not nostalgic”

Nelly Furtado with new album after 7 years: “I’m not nostalgic”

In “I’m like a Bird” from the year 2000 the text was followed: “I don’t know where my soul is, I don’t know where my home is”. In your current songs you work fordernder und selbstbewusster (“I have loved myself every day”). Who reflects these lyrics in his personal and personal sphere over the years?

It is a wirklich gute Frage. Neulich hat mich jemand gefragt: “Have you found the in Zuhause?” Yes, I’m grateful, I got money (form a Heart with both Hands in front of their Chest). It is, when we see the household goods, that I am with you. The fact that it is known that there is no other person who is engaged in solving problems, and that it all ends up in a sour situation. Ich glaube, davor hatte ich früher Angst. The Society said one thing, the man bestimmte Dinge beführt, a grown-up to be. If it is good, it is a good idea to look at my pages and clear it up, that can take a year.

If it is like that, when people contact you, it quickly becomes überwältigend. And damn it, I am not romantic, but a platonic soul. Früher has my husband überfordert von meinen ganzen Emotions gefühlt. Jetzt has its own power and its Boundaries-gesetzt, soda is feiern kann, where I am, ohne mich zu verlosen.

Is it still a situation where you are not sure what is happening?

I think you don’t like it. Man has to get through the problems a little bit and solve his problems. If it’s good, you can take away those emotions and not feel them anymore. And that’s the problem. Then the distances can be created and we can do something else. You can reach more people and make a self-made thing, it’s better. Ich glaube, waar zou Selbstfürsorge zijn, dass man sich fragment: Wie is mijn Herzen?

And when I think about it, it’s wise to know how it works. If someone is in trouble or sad, it’s going to be sad in some way. Often it’s just like this: if a man is sad and experiences the emotions, a man who has never been there will not find Tag as grim anymore. If that’s the case, a serious depression is being dealt with… that will be caused by the power.

Do you have a special moment for the month of August, when you feel less safe?

Yes, with Security. I am definitely a woman in the music business. Today is all my time Handy to do and when it is final, then it has already started. Now, at 45, I am self-confident and can perhaps get better in the Zwanzigern. Damals thought that it would go better, how it would go further. Every now and then I think: What if, it is never so bad a photo or video taken by me and that is in order.