
Gamescom 2024: Willkommen im Phantasialand (Fröhlich am Samstag)

Gamescom 2024: Willkommen im Phantasialand (Fröhlich am Samstag)

The Gamescom booth for Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 (Photo: GamesWirtschaft)
The Gamescom booth for Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 (Photo: GamesWirtschaft)

Business Class Status (Locked) Wood Class: Many Aussteller has no money in hand, one of the gamescom 2024 a good time to win.

Verehrter GamesWirtschaft-Leser,
verehrte GamesWirtschaft-Leserin,

Gamescom Friday is traditionally one of the only things in the Business Area terminen, nor through all the halls of the other world and the consumer atmosphere … now … to the schnuppern. Strong men who were a man who weld the way and did a few things who weld, was Günther Jauch so schön as “God’s big zoo” described hat. After all, when people think, man, everything is fine, someone comes to us, there are two Yucca Palms and an upcycled Fahrradhelm tacked hat.

Of course, it’s a matter of a video game. Gleich entrance to the Halle 9 before finding – from my perspective – the best opening in the Entertainment Area of ​​Gamescom 2024. Publisher Plaion und Warhorse Studios has registered Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 (erscheint in February) een wuselige Mittelalter-Welt inszeniert – including their geschmückten Zelten, a single hämmernden Schmied, in Leder and Leinen gewandeten Dorfbewohnern, grim dreinblickenden Söldnern together with Helmet and Hellebarde and a Pranger, by dessen Öffnungen sich in Minutentakt Nieuwe Köpfe and Hand Schi eben . Regular dueling takes place in a small arena – but you can learn more about the Schwertergeklirr.

Fröhlich am Freitag - de wöchentliche Kolumne at GamesWirtschaft
Fröhlich am Freitag – the wöchentliche Kolumne at GamesWirtschaft

The Wartebereich is of the general Anspielstationen der USK-18-Demo which offers a unique way to create an interactive Wimmelbild; It was also strange that it was so – so, who is a handful of Freizeitparks.

And the best part: Wer das Action-Rollenspiel ausprobiert hat, erhält am Ausgang as dankeschön in een small leather Beutel. Darin: fünf geprägte and damit sehr wertig and ‚echt’ anmutende Münzen – die sich im Anschluss and the stand-eigen Marktbuden gegen T-shirts, Poster or der Schlüsselbänder eintauschen lassen. Anyone who looks at it will not see a single comment about the ‘Pfands’ and will keep Beutel together with the Munzen Kurzerhand as a Gamescom Souvenir. Also the “Oktoberfest-Bierkrug” method. We will have it on the Fachbesucher-Tag of the Sorge file, the production of Taler can be the time of the following.

When the gelände company starts, a big Messestände is made if you are from Plaion. But also the Laie spürt: Here is the ordered production value and other values ​​​​fall for details verbal, to the ‘Hühnern’ in Holzkäfigen. Man has the tendency to a contact with him and to cover up (fall) to be able to pay. But the manufacturer has written a word of thanks for the Phantasialand variant.

Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 is not the only top attraction of Gamescom 2024: Two halls allow Microsoft’s Spartan Blizzard Entertainment to build a battery and VR ‘Flugsimulators’, which provide a 4D dragon ride through the Fantasy World of World of Warcraft possible. 4D-meant: The pilots sit broad-legged on the ‘backs’ of the dragon; the saddle is found on a hydraulic platform, which rotates in the Achsen. VR glasses, fan wind and unhindered use of ‘Air Bombs’ for a glaubwürdige Sturzflug-Feeling. The high-tech driving company would be unique to the Gamescom sister company, bookstand. The snakes are long and long stretched out – the research at the exit begins if all goes well.

No question: The Gamescom sponsor has put an end to the spending spree. Man muss sich schon sehr doof (präziser: gar nicht) anstellen, om die Gamescom 2024 ohne einen Indiana Jones-Fedora, a Assassin’s Creed: Shadows-Ask a Civilization 7-Poster, a Dark and darker mobile-Magic hut or even a Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2-Shirt for soldering. An Allen Ecken and Enden would be so won with Goodies and Try – mal mit, mal ohne Zutun. If you only half know the Labber-Pommes and other delicious Zumutungen.

About Spendierhosen: Most Rückfahrt nach Nürnberg involves Einrollen in the Hauptbahnhof, a Vater-Sohn-Gespann in Gamescom shirts. If I have a fragment, whoever has been like that, leuchteten de Augen. Der geschätzt Fünf- bis Sechsjährige präsentierte seine ‚Schätze’, which there abgeräumt hatte in Cologne – Schirmmützen, Pins, Plakate, Plüschtiere, Schlüsselanhänger, Figürchen, kurzum: Nippes. Aber für diese Zielgruppe fell into nature during the night and the east of the country. Dadurch bleibt Spielraum für weitere Mitbringsel: Händler in der Fanartikelen-Halle 5 messages von außergewöhnlich goodem Geschäft.

Bleibt – berechtigte – Frage, the beginning of the Gamescom by Corporate-Controllern with requirements Herzen werestelt were: Lohnt sich der ganze Zirkus anyway? Can you use the Gamescom at Verkaufs- und Umsatzzahlen der beworbenen Games brand bar – and when: to what greater extent?

This bet can and always will have a big impact on the cost. At Gamescom there are no best forces and opportunities to collaborate, but part of the industry is one of the top players with Guillemot (Ubisoft), Wingefors (Embracer) and Spencer (Microsoft). A wide range of industry including investors, agencies, payment service providers, platforms, marketing and of course media from all parts of the world are at the start – contacts were made, renewed, lost. Or who is Bandai Namco Europe boss Arnaud Muller on me Is-it-worth-it?-Question form: “We need Gamescom”.

If a new product is offered again, nor a fresh trailer, it is first right that no material is shown, but for marketing responsibilities it is quite a few arguments, German siebenstellige investments in Standbau, Personal, Hotelzimmer and Tralala zu Rechtfertigen. It was clear that the ‘Roten’ and the ‘Blauen’ (also Nintendo and Sony PlayStation) were happy to have a visit in Cologne – with their experience, that Microsoft is still welcome in the past.

Can someone do something? I think: Wer Marktführer will want to know what to expect and if we can see what we are doing, we are sure nothing will be said and nothing will be said and nothing will be sold.

Das Videospiele-Phantasialand in Köln-Deutz hat noch bis Sonntagabend geöffnet – and it will be better for the end of the year. The tickets for the heutige Samstag (traditionally from the reinforced, weil-überfüllteste Tag of Gamescom week) were available in Vorfeld vergriffen. The increase in the amount of money that the Besucherzahl des Vorjahres (official: 320,000) contents is less, but slightly over-affected – Genaueres wird man allerspätestens am Montage fouten.

The coming days became ich nun damit zubringen, the unzählten Interviews and Tours and Präsentationen zu verarbeiten and lying gebliebene Reportings abzuschichten – bitte noch etwas Patience and Nachsicht.

In the Zwischenzeit which was in a beautiful Wochenende, Spaß fell in Cologne respectively an inheritance follow-up Rekonvaleszenz in der Eistonne.

Petra Fröhlich
Chief editor in GamesWirtschaft

All information about the Gamescom 2024 from August 21 to 25 can be found on GamesWirtschaft: Tickets, Aussteller, Spiele, Hallenplan, Shows, Autogrammstunden and much more.

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