
“My friends are happy in my free time”

“My friends are happy in my free time”

Niko Kappel wants Gold in Paris

Para-Star mit Liebes-Botschaft an seine Freundin

Niko Kappel

Niko Kappel will also be in Paris with a medal and a German celebration

Michael Kappeler/dpa

from Thomas Lipke and Markus Bauck

With Weizenbier und Friends zu Gold in Paris?

We will spend two weeks after the Olympic Games starting next week at the Paralympics in Paris. One of the largest Gold-Hoffnungen is Kugelstoßer Niko Kappel (29). Achievements in Rio won 2016 Gold. One Triumph, there will soon be more caves.

Kappel: “My friends are happy in my free time”

Niko Kappel doesn’t remember anything about 2016. Damals gewann there is very much gold for Germany. Then we lived a long week – but we didn’t spend any time there, who had “that week of our own lifetime”. This memory is a pleasure to have, three years after the Bronze Medal in Tokyo, and now we will be able to compete in the Paralympics. Kappel zu RTL: “I am absolutely in Paris-Stimmung. For me in Stuttgart and at all it is almost a home play. I’m faster in Paris than in Berlin.” Allerdings travels there first at 30. August after Paris – three days before the end of the day.

Exciting: for your prayers at the Chapel and Ritual! „Am Abend vor my Wettkampf trinke ich immer nor ein Schlückchen Weizenbier. That is why I live in Germany, I will be able to get over the border in the European Union,” he says. And more: “I don’t really appreciate the whole Flasche, except for a few Schlucke. That’s my routine. I have great success and form a Wettkampf immer das Gleiche.”

Read-Tipp: Neuer schreibt rührenden Brief an Deutschland!

But not yet the Weizenbier comes with it. Nor have they been more important since their small Para-Athlete with family and friends. Über 80 Karten hat er inzwischen geordert. Selbstverständlich begleitet ihn my friends with Luisa Holzwarth. “Sie reist ein bisschen später an, wird then aber auch nach meinem Wettkampf noch bleiben. She is an absolutely important person, who is free to live in the open air and who is able to do so. That is natural, special and yet I would like to enjoy it.”


Niko Kappel and his friends Luisa Holzwarth learn to know themselves in the school

Photo: Geisler-Fotopress/Kern

“Sport has a positive influence on people”

Lese-Tipp: “My Traumfrau darf 1.80 gross sein”

The Kappel, who will start the VfB Stuttgart, will not be able to compete for Gold – there is no chance of being a speaker of the German Athletes and that they will also be able to compete in the competition. There is a great deal of excitement, because the Paralympics in Paris became “tief in deutsche Gesellschaft hineinwirken”. As an athlete speaker, the theme inclusion is important. “Sport hat für jeden Menschen, egal, obder ohne Behinderung aine positive Wirkung in der social entwicklung.”

What did you mean: Respect and a clear view of your relationship with your husband and wife in Matheunterricht, especially in sports. It would be my pleasure to have this Gold Medal as an inheritance. “We are not happy with our care, but we are happy to be able to enjoy our peace and quiet in the community and we can enjoy it as well.”

There is certainly a place in the community that is founded and also – so it appears – that right partner. Would you like to receive the IHR Gold Medal? “I would be glad that I would not be wollen and that I would not be prepared, but I would like to be able to celebrate a medal. After the games we will be able to enjoy ourselves in the environment and then we will be able to enjoy them at that time.”

Vielleicht yes with a gold medal more in the package…