
“Insektensommer”: Dieses Jahr kaum Wespen unterwegs

“Insektensommer”: Dieses Jahr kaum Wespen unterwegs

Kaum stehen Eis or Kuchen auf dem Tisch, nerven the Wasps. This summer it is a vergleichsweise ruhig. Who’s coming?

The right choices are made in the Spätsommer era, but during those years in Germany you cannot be in the Vorjahren. So the Mitmachaktion “Insect Summer” in June and August were not as visible as in the Zeitraum 2023 and 2022. A Grund dafür could signal the rain in the Frühsommer gewesen, said the Insect Expert Laura Breitkreuz vom Naturschutzbund Deutschland (Nabu) in Berlin.

“Insektensommer”: Dieses Jahr kaum Wespen unterwegs

The Nabu and the Bavarian Nature Conservation Association LBV can educate the people in Germany, in the summer of June and August jewelry a stunde long that is insected in your message and notification. The project is another example of a Hinweise love, who es the Käfern, Hummeln, Bienen and Schmetterlingen here are.


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“Is gibt Jahre, wo es extremviele Waspen gibt”, erläutert Breitkreuz. 2020 to Beispiel. The population of Jahr zu Jahr schwanke is normal. “The weather is always the best environment.” If the winter is mild and is braved, more kings can die in a new state vegetable. If the frühsommer in those years is outside the regeneric time, it is nighttime for state building.

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The LBV expert Tarja Richter in Hilpoltstein sees the genius: The rain in those years is vermutlich by the fact that the Wespen are not so big that the State Banks can build or später as a üblich dran seien, says that. The Hochsaison der Wespen is extended with Breitkreuz from August to mid-September. In those years it may be that you get more information about the hint in September. If you ever come in the Spätsommer, then it is worth going to the Wespenplage, whether you are aware of the Tisch-steht?

Why Wasps are nervous

In Germany, the American federal government uses more Wespenarten, while now the Gemeine Wespe (Vespula vulgaris) and the Deutsche Wespe (Vespula germanica) at Eisessen and at the Grillparty will last a long time. Deren Staat is aimed at the Spätsommer signal Maximum. “Jetzt since it is so valuable, that is why we are not present in nature after the natural environment, without having to worry about our service,” said Breitkreuz.

Der Geruch von süßen Speisen und Getränken wie Eis, Saft und Obstkuchen jijhe die Wespen en, says Richter. Wasp larvae live in the heart of the Fleisch, which feed on insects while fleeing on Zucker: Nektar, Pflanzensäfte und Obst stehen unter zijnem on his Speiseplan. While the Larvae carry out productive production, and the field of work of the Worker, says Richter. If you are in Spätsommer, this Nahrungsquelle disappears. “Then those Wasps will come to us.”

Wasps are a useful animal of their own

Fear is felt by people because of the unbearable behavior of the wasps, which is often considered to be a cause for concern. “It is not aggressive Verhalten,” says Breitkreuz. Der Grund dafür sei das Hvermögen der gelb-schwarz gestreiften Tiere: Um scharf sehen zu können, sei Movement nötig.

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We see over the years perhaps one of the last times, as said, so the knowledge of the experts: the large enlarged enlarged amount of the insects, flights and Bremsen – which are their best nerves. (dpa/mp)