
Good Lebensmittel: Besser ein rohes Steak as well as zermatschten Tartare

Egg, Gemüse, Fleisch: Raw-Food-Anhänger essen ausschließlich with Lebensmittel. Mythos of Ursund? Anyone who responds to Rohes wants things to go well.


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By putting the Raw Food Movement on Instagram and TikTok, when it comes to people’s lives, a big part of the Verdauung, a strong immune system and a musk inflammation in the body. Experts warn that Eggs, Meat and Meat as a result of their assurance, that the Cooking will become free of charge and poisonous substances. Raw milk, raw meat and raw fish can also ingest harmful bacteria, the infectious diseases can be eliminated. The evolution of the evolution of the cooking is concrete, which is separated from the reconstruction of the human war war.

Rohe Lebensmittel: Die Anhänger der Raw-Food-Bewegung verzehren auch rohes Fleisch am Stück.
The Anhänger der Raw-Food-Bewegung verzehren auch rohes Fleisch am Stück.
© Sergey Kotenev/​

For breakfast a glass of beef milk, for lunch an uncooked steak on the stick and for dinner an egg on red meat or red pita bread with avocado. On Instagram and TikTok we propose a number of raw food movements on the scale, which are so good – a little bit out of rohen, an unrequited lifestyle. Your lifestyle is packaged in aesthetic videos, while he sees his fit look and with a healthier voice, he had a day of living. And if you have loaded your immune system with slips of the tongue: when life has begun, there is a healthy disease, a good immune system and a strong muscle disease.