
Harz Narrow Gauge Railways: Tausende Gäste at Doppeltem Bahngeburtstag im Harz

Harz Narrow Gauge Railways: Tausende Gäste at Doppeltem Bahngeburtstag im Harz

Technikschauen, Rundgänge, Mitfahrten: The Harzer Narrow Gauge Railways have their own special attractions up to 125. The experience of Harzquer- und Brockenbahn nach eigenen Angaben more Besucherinnen und Besucher begrüßt. Onto the land and the new dampflokwerkstatt Wernigerode war is the geese Tag über sehr full gewesen, for all Bahnliebhaber and Familien had come, who said Sprecherin Heide Baumgärtner of the Deutschen Presse-Agentur. «The water was warm, the guests were welcome and the food was long.» Am Sonntag soll das Fest weitergehen.

Historical Locomotives as Stargäste

On the basis of the program, there is also a historical driving force, a children’s railway, working conditions and a driving force, who is that? A height difference is 125 years ago on the Dampflok «Hoya» of the Deutschen Eisenbahn-Vereins. The name of the name of the Kleinbahn Hoya-Syke-Asendorf, and which became war in 1899. In 1897, Dampflok was built at the start of the Harzquer and Brockenbahn – for all railway enthusiasts and connoisseurs. Commuting was born with the “Schweineschnäuzchen”, a Triebwagen from 1932.

1899 fuhr der first Zug on the 1,141 meter high Brocken. Start the short-term Zugverkehr der Gesamten Harzquerbahn, which connects the towns of Nordhausen (Thuringia) and Wernigerode (Saxony-Anhalt). Before the Harzquerbahn ends up in the wrong places. The three HSB-Bahn is the Selketalbahn.

The HSB has covered a distance of 140 kilometres over the length of the suspension in Schmalspurnetz Deutschlands. The Spur is one metre long. The damp vlokomotiven of the underworld are one of the best tourist attractions in the Harz.

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