
St. Eurach Land- and GC – 2024

St. Eurach Land- and GC – 2024

Beautifully located and with a greater connection to nature, the Anlage des St. Eurach Country and Golf Club in the Voralpenlandschaft near Iffeldorf. Vom Platz aus, from 1994-1996 Austragungsort from BMW Open war, how man a fantastic view on the Wetterstein massif, the Alpenkette with the Zugspitze in ihrem Zentrum. If you find the Fairways Ausblicke on the Karwendel-Massiv, it is good that something is happening. Situated on a huge Grund voler Wälder, Wiesen and Moorbecken, the game here of Teichen and Nassbiotopen is erschwert, so who of geschickt platzierten Naturpflanzungen, who the altos, besthenden Baumvezel play sinnvoll ergänzen.