
Kinsta WordPress Hosting Erfahrungen 2024: Der omfassende Testbericht

Kinsta WordPress Hosting Erfahrungen 2024: Der omfassende Testbericht

Kinsta has the potential to last for years as one of the offerings on Managed WordPress Hosting. In the year 2024, the demand became greater, it was Performance, Security, and User-friendliness that mattered. In this ausführlichen testverslag we share ours Kinsta Experiences and rate the service in various categories, a lender for the dividing line of beets.

What is Kinsta?

Kinsta is a WordPress specialized Hosting-UnternehmenSince 2013 it has been grounded. I am of the opinion that others Hostern, the one-size-fits-all Palette of Hosting-Losungen-offers, would like to know more about it WordPress HostingThe company uses the Google Cloud Platform (GCP)There are a few simple, basic and fast hosting management packages.

Performance and agility

One of the great benefits of Kinsta is that extraordinary Performance and agility. Thanks to the knowledge of the Google Cloud Platform of Premium Tier Network and C2 VMs (Compute-optimized virtual machines) It’s the latest from websites hosted by Kinsta, but others can also receive significant speedups. Unsere Tests eraben Ladezeiten von unter einer Sekunde, was nicht nur for eine besserte User Experiencebut also for better SEO results Sorry.

Content Delivery Network (CDN) and Caching

Kinsta offers a free Content Delivery Network (CDN) an, that is über 275 Standorte weltweit umfasst. If you are sure that your inhalation will be quick and easy, you will be welcomed by the geese. Use Kinsta one automatic caching systemimplemented on the server is a maximum automatic sorting. Benutzer has taken the trouble to retrieve the cache directly from the cache MyKinsta Dashboard Learn or specific pages of Caching additional information.

Security and Zuverlässigkeit

Kinsta places great value on Safety. All Hosting solutions are installed Safety datalike every day Backups, DDoS protection, Hardware firewalls and a automatic recognition of damage softwareThe problem is that problems occur, while Kinsta is a problem free Hack-Fix-Versprechen and, if the Support Team has no major difficulty, your website will be available.

Die Operating time von Kinsta has become stable. Während unserer Tests lag behind Operating time constant at 99.99%, was on Google’s integrated infrastructure and Kinsta’s sister platform. Server monitoring If you keep going for a while, eventually there will be a problem that you acknowledge and accept.

Enjoyment and MyKinsta Dashboard

Another Kinsta Pluspunkt has died User friendliness. That MyKinsta Dashboard Specialties for WordPress users Create an intuitive interface that makes all important functions easy to understand. Here you can view Benutzer ihre Websites, Backups to make, the Learn Cache and Analyze to see.

Especially the reform is the Möglichkeit, staging environments If you are designing new features or designs, you can set them up before you can go live. It is ideal for entrepreneurs and agents to execute complex projects.

Customer Service and Support

There Customer Service von Kinsta is among the best in the industry. Der Support go and find a product and do this Live chat Oder Email address were realized. The Support Team is available from here WordPress Expertsin the low corner, complex problems are solved quickly and efficiently.

In addition to positivist, that support in more languages, darunter in Deutsch, angeboten wird. The Antwortzeiten are extremely cold, and in our tests you were able to find the answers within minutes of minutes.

Scalierbarkeit und Preisgestaltung

Kinsta has a wide range of Hosting Planswhich offers an uninteresting bedtime. The prices start at 35 USD per month for the Starter subscriptiona WordPress installation and such 25,000 monthly visitors Great. For larger businesses and websites that require higher performance, Kinsta also offers Enterprise plan and the individual will be accepted.

A Greater Advantage of Kinsta is a Fact Scalability. If any of the traffic plans can be implemented, such a plan can be changed, one of the resources offered is that it fails or leads to a problem.

Entwicklerfriendly functions

Kinsta is no longer for Enduser, but for Entwickler a delayed Wahl. entwicklerfreundlichen functions to belong SSH-Zugriff, WP-CLI, Git integration and Multisite support. Darüber has hired Kinsta Automatic backups and restore snapshots againthe development possibilities, the problems that arise when making, when it was a problem.

Migration and onboarding

For Benutzer, the website of another Kinsta hoster, it can be used by Unternehmen free migrations one. That Take on board-Team kümmert sich een gesamten Prozess und sorted dafür, de Wechsel reibungslos und ohne Ausfallzeiten erolgt. Selbst User with little technical knowledge can solve his website problems with Kinsta migration.

Environmental friendliness

Kinsta places great value on Nachhaltigkeit. Das Unternehmen is useless Google Cloud Platform-Rechenzentrenthat will go through 100% of the energy transfer. It is possible that Kinsta has started a series of initiatives to CO2 footprint No matter how much you reduce, it is a very pleasant choice for the hosting services.

Fazit: Unsere Kinsta WordPress Hosting Erfahrungen 2024

Our Kinsta Experiences in the year 2024 we were bychweg positive. The hoster has a first class Performancecumbersome Safety datareissues Support and a high value of functions, which is as attractive to beginners as it is to an inherited developer. The price is higher if it is a little different than that Price-performance ratio the quality of the boats is absolutely justified.

For everyone who is on this kind of thing, fast and safe WordPress Hosting Providers Since then, Kinsta has been one of the best options on the market. Specially those that have been User friendliness and the Scalable Hosting Planwhich is suitable for small websites as well as for large unternehmen.