
Warum Astronauts in Weltraum Deadlifts machen

Warum Astronauts in Weltraum Deadlifts machen

NASA astronaut Chris Cassidy, Expedition 36's flight engineer, exercises on the Advanced Resistive Exercise Device (ARED) in the Tranquility knob of the International Space Station. Credit: NASA
NASA astronaut Chris Cassidy, Expedition 36 aeronautical engineer, exercises on the Advanced Resistive Exercise Device (ARED) in the Tranquility knob of the International Space Station. Credit: NASA
Clarissa Wright

Clarissa Wright Meteorized Vereinigtes Königreich 6 minutes

Whoever recognizes NASA, the power of a universe with a framework that is on a world with microgravity, which is in a space ship, zu Changes im Körper eines Astronauten. Medical problems can physiologically and in the Hinblick auf das Herz-Kreislauf-System auftreten. Young people can remove the microbiome’s electrical power.

While the Grund is investigating NASA in the International Space Station (ISS), microgravity is being displayed on human magnetic fields. This information is important for humans Plan complex and longer missions in well-being.

Who influences microgravity through gravity

The negatives Effects of microgravity on the body it may take a long time. Im Jahr 1992 Message from Wolfe and Rummel, the results are:

  1. Negative Kalziumbilanz, die zu Knochenschwund führt.
  2. Atrophy of the antigravitation muscles.
  3. Veränderungen der Körperflüssigkeiten (z. B. des Plasmavolumens).
  4. Cardiovascular deconditioning.

If this Basic research is an experiment with the Abschwächung of the Auswirkungen. So suppose the Canadian direction of the Artemis astronauts with a Schwungrad für den Einsatz in der Schwerelosigkeit, das in the Falcon 20 of the National Research Council at Parabelflügen eingesetzt wurde. Parabellum flights are a cost-effective technique, technologies for testing and experimenting in microgravity for the welfare area to carry out.

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Schwungräder wurden in the 1990s year erfunden, one by the Schwerelosigkeit verursachten Muskel- und Knochenschwund zu verringern it is possible that there is an end to the preparation and rehabilitation. The NASA department of a Schwungrad for the Orion-Raumschiff, the specifications with optimal vibrations and acoustic effects should be possible.

Flywheels are used for rehabilitation and have since been developed to prepare astronauts for the Artemis II mission… CSA astronaut Jeremy Hansen tested the flywheel by performing deadlift high pulls.

The CSA astronaut Jeremy Hansen tested the Schwungrad with Hilfe from the Canadian Streitkräfte, indem is that Swing grade bee High intersections. Nach der Eingewöhnung und der Durchführung ähnlicher Protokolle wie in Weltraum The file of the next step file, the Gear in the Schwerelosigkeit zutesten, one of the best aftermaths, was that the astronauts made a parable flight that was carried out.

Low of the Schwungrads in the Interior of the Orion Space Ship. The Schwungrad is the training equipment used by NASA, the astronauts of the Artemis missions (at least up to Artemis V) are in shape of bleiben. It is used the use of the control system, one of the ways in which the capsule can be used. (Credit: NASA)
Low of the Schwungrads in the Interior of the Orion Space Ship. The Schwungrad is the training equipment used by NASA, the astronauts of the Artemis missions (at least up to Artemis V) are in shape of bleiben. It is used the use of the control system, one of the ways in which the capsule can be used. (Credit: NASA)

The Artemis II Crew has begun conducting the first test flights of Artemis programs in the real Weltraumgebung tests. You can find it again although the instructions are effective en ob die Ergebnisse in der Schwerelosigkeit die gleichen sind.

The Vorteil des Schwungrads ist, dass es compact ist, smaller than a suitcase. The astronauts have arrived on the ISS others Geräten wie Übungsstangen, Fußstützen, Hockergurten und Herzfrequenzmessern. These Geräte ermöglichen aerobes Training and dying Implementation of Kreuzhebenactually higher Züge, curved Reihen for erhöhten Widerstand and auch Hocke with trapezium.

Deadlifts in the Schwerelosigkeit

Deadlifts in the Weltraum can be performed differently in the Schwerelosigkeit. The Übungsplattform itself can be freely moving, and the property, also the art and the well-being, who the muskeln on a lower kräfte has, that unhealthy weight reacts, is lighter.

Deadlifts in Raum can offer other possibilities for the body.

These programs are implemented with reliable support and transparent operation. The European Weltraum Organisation (ESA) has done its job Physiotherapists and Sportwissenschaftler submittedum the astronauts during the preparation of their Unterstützen. You can observe the athletic performance of the astronauts as they fly in the ISS and half of them after their backs on the Earth next to the Wiederherstellung ihrer Fitness .

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French astronaut Thomas Pesquet carried out his mission with the European Welfare Agency (ESA): “The Advanced Resistive Exercise Device (ARED) is not so useful, but it is used in the air and on complicated machines, a weight have in the well-being of ermöglichen: Kniebeugen, Kreuzheben, Bankdrücken, Schulterdrücken, Bizeps-Curl, usw., we can make everything… but we can make some knee bends: these muskeln work are not worth our normal days.”

We never miss an exercise on the International Space Station – Thomas Pesquet.

“Wir lassen auf der Internationalen Raumstation keine Übung aus. Jedes. einzelnen. Tag. Ich vermisse die Dusche, den Rain und fridisches Essen,aber insgeheim vermisse ich auch a Tag, adem ich nichtto trainhad to. Sagen Sie das nicht meinem Fliegerarzt!”

Deadlifts are still a good option for astronauts in the trauma zone.useful training program for current (now we are used to digital data processing)The technical part of the Fortschritts is with the other supporting system of research, such as z. B. muskel stimulators and special relaxation (the comfortable posture should be as the bisherigen).


How Canada Helps Artemis Astronauts Stay in Shape. Published July 22, 2024. Official Government of Canada website. Available at: