
After four Hirnentzündungen: Kölner (53) started Spendenaktion

After four Hirnentzündungen: Kölner (53) started Spendenaktion

Vier gehirnentzündungen kurz hindereinander has recruited Thomas Haensgen (53) from the Bahn. Jedes Mal was in Koma, the EEC said for the course of a zero line, is on the Schwelle des Todes. Zuletzt in winter 2023.

The Cologne, the self-reliance of text and photography, can house-sustain, so it seems that this is not the case. Most of the time is one of the main problems. That is why the 53-year-old has to make a hard step.

Cologne started Spendingaktion: Letzter verzweifelter Versuch

“I war as a camper and others like Hilfe itself help. If you are a punk, you can do or start a few things – and here is a Hilfe please”, writes is on the gofundme spending platform.

When the severe health violation is his portion, it is a self-supplied back hadte, long breath. Aktuell, so Thomas Haensgen is in conversation with, there is 19 cents on the account.

Schon vier Gehirnentzündungen: Kölner auch in México op der Intensiv

Seine first Gehirnentzündung bekam er mit Anfang 40. „I remember myself, that I am tomorrow nor in my psychological war, the conversation must be aborted, that I cannot continue next. “The last memory of the patient in the hospital – fresh in the hospital,” he paints.

Thomas Haensgen is in Schutzkleidung and with Mundschutz in Krankenhaus in a Liège.

Thomas Haensgen (53) has prepared a substantial hospital stay behind him. There must be an extreme measure of protection, but you can still make further attempts to put an end to it.

Only a year later follows the next Gehirnentzündung. If you perform the Krankenhaus test, it is positive on the ADHS test set. If life goes on, it is so that the costs have fallen due to the construction. Then came the pandemic. A back cover must be carried out, it is so that there is no display for free text and photographers available.

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In 2022, Thomas Haensgen wants to become more enthusiastic by starting a war for a project in Mexico. “If you wanted to come to Job, Hauptsache, everyone would go wild. In these Fall allendings nicht sonderlich lang“, erklärt there. Denn in Mexiko is a medical care located in the Intensive Station of a hospital in Cozumel.

Der Kölner: “Selbst Einkaufen ist mit erheblichen Risks”

Since the “Enzephalitides” have been disabled, the Blut-Hirn-Schranke can no longer function. They are proud of their own nature. “If you don’t function better, you can’t say anything at all,” it is said in 53 years.

Read here: Kölner Kampagnen inheritance: Todkranker Emily (7) letzte Wünsche inheritance – so functions Gofundme

If you notice all contacts with humans, there is only one slight effort that can end the verhängnisvoll. “Kein meet with friends, not without having to spend time with others, together with others. If all goes well, there is a risky situation,” described as a situation. That would be so because of the financial situation as well as the financial situation.

“I have always enjoyed the best of my life,” said Thomas Haensgen on This damage is no longer a friend of Hilfe, a person who spends his money on the poor.