
Start of the Fußball-Bundesliga: FC Augsburg passes Liga-Novum and makes fun of Schiri

Start of the Fußball-Bundesliga: FC Augsburg passes Liga-Novum and makes fun of Schiri

After the Schlussfiff stands the Augsburger and Bremer Spieler ratlos auf dem Rasen. Auch die Fans were still zunächst. The intensive 2:2 (1:1) Bundesliga Start takes place at 30 degrees. A war between the two teams is not that simple. From «a Mischmach-Gefühl» später später Augsburg’s Elvis Rexhbecaj, from 25 meters a traumatizer zum 1:1-Zwischenstand hatte.

It is possible that the FCA in seinem 14. Bundesliga-Jahr has verpasst de ersehnten Heimsieg am ersten Spieltag wieder mal. The Vollspann-Sonntagsschuss of Mittelfeldspieler Rexhbecaj in the rights oberen Winkel (16. Minute) and the Premieren-Treffer of the new, weighty Angreifers Samuel Essende (35.) reichten am Endde nicht zum Erfolg.

Thorup: “There were two punks taken”

And the power of the Augsburger später Schiedsrichter Sascha Stegemann is responsible. “There are two punks taken,” said Trainer Jess Thorup. «Leider has the history of the end of the struggle against a fehlentscheidung of the Schiedsrichters.»

Was war passion? When an Augsburger Flanke from the link hits the ball in the 77. Minute hand by Werders Defender Anthony Jung. Two FCA-Professionals are safe without being absent. «It’s a hand game, a clearer Elfmeter. Punkt! Aus!’, said FCA Geschäftsführer Michael Ströll, from the party with Stegemann. “Before the war is a natural association,” reported Ströll von dem Austausch. So blieb es beim 2:2.

Those Bremen had entered the WWK Arena in front of 30,660 Zuschauern by Außenverteidiger Felix Agu (12.) in Führung. Once after the break during the eingewechselten-angreifer Justin Njinmah (58.) out. “We’ll take the punch,” said Agu. “Ende fühlt is a relative dish and,” Weiser summarized.

VAR cashier Essendes zweites Tor zum 3:2

Glück hatte Werder nicht nur bei de Elfmeter-Überprüfung, sondern schon davor. Denn Essende jumped while swimming Tor zum vermeintlichen 3:2 der Ball for the Abschluss wohl an den Arm (69.). The control by the video assistants is the best when separating Schiedsrichter Stegemann, that is still the case.

Four new stars of FCA-Coach Thorup in the starting eleven. And it won’t be long now. The Croatian national coach Nediljko Labrović could make an unlucky figure, if the Schuss von Agu from the Spitzem Winkel could not be stopped. It is important to know that the clothing is in the Torlinie.

Labrović, the new Augsburg number is one of the few Finn Dahmen who has never had a big Szene. In the 72nd minute, the 2:3 back score becomes bigger than the free time at Marvin Ducksch.

Essende had a great Bundesliga start. The 1.92 meter tall and 92 kilogram FCA-Stürmer demonstration is no longer at Kopfball with 2:1 after Flanke von Tim Breithaupt. The essence of the Portuguese League. The national sport of Congo is very popular with the VfB Stuttgart, the wandering Torjäger Ermedin Demirovic with the volatile Sturmpartner Philipp Tietz.

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