
SEK during Flightsheim in Solingen

SEK during Flightsheim in Solingen

At a “Festival der Vielfalt” a special event was created for man and can fly. The Ermittler has a Mann-feast – but the Täter is no longer.

At the Messerangriff at the Stadtfest in Solingen, where the Freitagabend three people are enjoying, eight others are lost, having fun.

Follow-up on the current situation in our current News blog:

8:34 p.m.: I am working with the Messerangriff in Solingen with three people who are trying to force the police to fight against the police in the inner city. “We have the Hinweise erhalten, and the knowledge acquired will last with a political responsibility over the years,” said a Police Preacher. There is a special police command that is part of the einsatz. The region became a Hundertschaft-absperrt. At the Messerangriff at a Stadtfest the Freitagabend three people were gotötet and eight were lost. Nach dem Täter is fahndet. Laut Informationen der “Bild” -Zeitung wurde een Syrer festgenommen.

8:23 p.m.: The Islamic State (IS) has filed the terrorist attack for its charges. It comes from a position statement of the Terrorist militia. The fact that one of the leaders “as a leader for Muslims in Palestine and everywhere” has appeared, is IS in the channel of the Kurznachrichtendienst Telegram. Once the country has started, the IS tattoo will awaken the evil scepter, which has not disappeared. You can report a contact with IS and your attention will not be liked.

8:01 p.m.: It is not the case that we can help Prime Minister Hendrik Wüst in the ZDF of North Rhine-Westphalia at a later date. All the best of the overall experience of the Messerangriff in Solingen: “Wir haben seit lang Zeit a erhöhte abstract Gefahr.”

7:48 p.m.: Those people are “still, nachdenklich and in sich geehrt”, says Simone Henn-Pausch, Notfallseelsorgerin der Evangelischen Kirche in Solingen, t-online. There is no question of a Fassungs- en Ratlosigkeit-angesicht of the Freitaten of Freitag and of the Verleidingenheit wahr, said that. “Manche Menschen sagen: ‘Solingen kommt nicht zur Ruhe'”. Read more about the Eindrücken vor Ort here.

7:45 p.m.: If the ZDF sent a message about the Nennung of Quellen, it is so that the man did so with a political motivation. “After most of the information was available, here was a young man in the name of IS, in the name of Islamic states, who was worth it,” said ZDF security expert Sarah Tacke.

7:26 p.m.: Leipzig Bundesliga professional Kevin Kampl was shocked after the Messer-Anschlag in the Heimatstadt Solingen. “I’m a good man and I’ll be happy,” he said at the age of 33. Read more here.

6:59 p.m.: After the Messer-Attentat von Solingen helped the Federal Justice Minister Marco Buschmann with the Waffenrecht for Messer. “We have now been robbed in the Federal Government, while the Kampf would receive that art from the Messer-Kriminalität weiter voranbringen”, thus the FDP politician of “Bild am Sonntag”. Bislang hat de FDP de Vorschläge von Innenministerin Nancy Faeser (SPD) voor schärferen Verboten abgelehnt. The SPD has published a German version of the Gesetze.

6:22 p.m.: Sylvia Löhrmann (Grüne), former Minister of Education of NRW, is a private citizen of Solingen at the Trauerfeier. When the war takes place on the Neumarkt, Meter vom Tatort is found. “Politics must no longer worry that the emigration authorities can make your job. No democratic party dares to instrumentalize this state”, says t-online. Solingen does not look special. There is nothing with the finger on the hand of the city. “If this is a passion, it can be a whole passion”, he said.

6 pm: The city of Solingen has loaded a memorial at 18:15 on the Solinger Neumarkt. This is how the Stadtfest-stattgefunden is managed. If there is a message appeared and a kerze is a message about an online reporter from before Ort.