close – Düren: Nibirii-Festival am Samstagabend roads Unwetter abgebrochen – Düren: Nibirii-Festival am Samstagabend roads Unwetter abgebrochen

Duration: An unsettling weather forces the organizers of the Nibirii Festival to a severe conclusion. When bedtime begins at 22 o’clock, the installation will be performed in the background of the active weather. The gelände, who is a great music fan of a game in electronics and war, which during the prolonged rain and the extreme conditions grimly lit and is no more than a certain fortress of the installation.

Security risks due to bad weather conditions

The highest tag is a highlight of the festivals, but the heavy rainfall makes the beautiful gelände turn into a schlammlandschaft. We have become more unwell, the structure of the construction is flooded and the security facilities are reinforced by the weather conditions. The organizers have no other Wahl, as the festival for heute abzubrechen.

“Wir haben die Wetterlage steadfast beobachtet and were in engem Austausch mit den Sicherheitsbehörden”, so a Speaker of the Nibirii-Teams. “The leader has made the provisions in the latter worse worse, so that the safety of the visitors and artists are not more gewährleistet. There is no easy separation, but health and the Wohlergehen are all involved as a paramount priority.”

The festival will be held tomorrow

Trotz des heutigen Abbruchs gibt es auch good Nachrichten: The organizers of plans, the Festival tomorrow fortzusetzen, voausgesetzt, that is the Wetterbedingungen bis dahin stabilizing. “We know, who sees a problem that Wochenende have freut, and will do everything in our power, a tomorrow so reibungslos who möglich zu gestalten“, stated by the Organization Team.

The festival is celebrated, the country is organized and there are activities for the return trip. If the company has a temper tantrum, the right will be taken to inform the consequences of the Wetters. „Commt sicher nach Hause“, according to the abschließende Appeal of the Organizers. “We will be happy together, and tomorrow we will be happy to enjoy the festival together.”

An apple for the fans

In an emotional story, the fans thanked the Nibirii Team for their performance and good care. “We know that once the festival has started, and it is a guideline, then the day will not be as good as it was. Once it is like that, tomorrow will be an unparalleled experience.”

The Nibirii festival is a celebration in the European festival country and sees the year that a celebration takes place. Umso sad after is the divorce, the present day abrechen zu müssen. If the organizers in the work and the organization look, then the Wetteren the next Verlauting of the Wochenendes is no longer of influence.

The safety of all things is a first priority, and so it remains to be seen, that the weather in the morning is a great day and that the Nibirii Festival is proud of the great success and a full inheritance.