
Metaplatforms: The technology is developed by the dividend payment on a basis! ()

Metaplatforms: The technology is developed by the dividend payment on a basis! ()

600 USD Market in Focus! Flashback

The meta-action is a dividend that has existed for 20 years after the takeover. In the last month, the paper of the social media giants has become volatile. The bulls can briefly leave the consolidation of the last day on Thursday fresh to the top.

Meta Plattforms-Aktie: Chart vom 22.08.2024, Kürzel: META, Kurs: 535.20 USD, Tageschart Quelle: TWS

Metaplatforms: The technology is developed by the dividend payment on a basis! ()

Mögliches bullisches Szenario

With a price of 540 USD you can use a technical purchase signal of the Meta-Aktie-bekomen.

Mögliches barisches Szenario

If the action stops after the Breakout at age 20, it could be bulling the ball.


Over time, dividends will be paid out as a loss-making reserve of technology companies. Mittlerweile would do the dividend payout as capital disziplin and trust in the sustainability of the ertgewertet. The growth of a dividend is for the technology giants a big undertaking, which provides a basis for oriented investors who want to invest and diversify.

Quellennachweise, Meinung und sonstige Daten

  • Current Market Cap: 1.34 Bio. USD
  • Durchschnittsvolumen der letzten 20 Tag: 9.00 Billion. USD
  • Meine Meinung zu Meta Platforms is bullish
  • Source accuracy: –
  • Author: Wolfgang Zussner

Release date: 23.08.2024

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