
Todesfall: Ehemaliger Fußball-Trainer Christoph Daum died

Todesfall: Ehemaliger Fußball-Trainer Christoph Daum died

Christoph Daum ist to. After a long battle with the Krebs, there were “friedlich in the family’s destruction”, the part of the German Press Agency. Date started on Samstag in Köln, there were 70 years alt. There were many years of one of the best trainers in professional ball.

Seit Herbst 2022 kämpfte Daum gegen die Krankheit. There are so many options available to you that you will be able to see more clearly. Daum gab wieder Interviews, there setzte themselves in Talk shows. «The Krebs have their own falschen Körper ausgesucht», lautete seine Kernbotschaft. With your own Kampfgeist wollte Daum others Menschen Mut machen.

So war Daum: Kampfansage an Hoeneß und Kokain-Affäre

Die Auseinandersetzung mit dem Krebs stand sinnbildlich für sein ganzes Leben. Schon als Kind was there with guidance, which in itself was bigger and more powerful than the schmächtige Junge in Duisburg.

As a young and unbeknownst trainer of the 1st FC Köln, there is a very successful team in the championship of the great FC Bayern and the German Manager Uli Hoeneß – and the success of the Bundesliga-Dominator in Munich. After all, your life is still great.

But if you strive higher, you will achieve even better results. After the first Bundesliga-Meisterschaft with the VfB Stuttgart 1992, there was a delay in the Qualifikation for the Champions League. Legend has been told about the Kokain affair 2000, which cost the last trainer of Bayer Leverkusen the jump from the posts of the Federal trainers.

Aber Daum kam auch davon zurück. There is a new title in Austria and the Turks, and the 1. FC Köln will be in the Bundesliga and will continue to do so. And you always see what your life’s movements are like: “You have the chance to succeed. It is not yet separate, but you will not be able to do so. You must now always carry on.»

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