
Alarming DGB study: research and research for azubis!

Alarming DGB study: research and research for azubis!

The Jährliche Ausbildungsreport of the German Gewerkschaftsbundes (DGB) says alarmingly serious concerns about the labor practices of Auszubildenden in Deutschland. Of the 1.2 million Azubis who live in the Umfrage, 34.5 spend a lot of time working on a regular basis, working for only 20 hours a week. Particularly due to a long cooking time, which over the course of 6.1 months for Woche-leisten, followed by Hotel-Azubis with 5.6 Stunden. Im Durchschnitt machen alle Berufe zeeammen etwa 3.6 Überstunden pro Woche. Besorgniserregend ist, that quickly you were able to overcome this, again a Vergütung nor a free experience, was a clear Verstoß given the Berufsbildungsgesetz darstellt.

Despite these challenges, 70 percent of the apprentices are satisfied with their apprenticeship. The variation in the variation is stark and deprived. Where 82 percent of the attached industrial mechanics believe that this is only 61 percent among specialists. Another critical assessment of the cover is that it is more if you have chosen the best Azubi (15.3 percent) to make use of, the nothing with the best result that you can have, such as a good coffee or tea. If the quality of the use image is achieved, the use image cannot be compromised.

If you earn a sum of 965 Euro per month with the Permit, it is possible to pay the costs of the tax. Bankers and industrial fitters earn more in German as Friseur-Azubis. The DGB has drawn a positive conclusion, which has announced the Mindestaus-bildungsvergütung, the eingeführt-wurde of 2020. The inability to remove the Ausbildungsberufen has become smaller in the last years in general.

When it comes to solving problems, the working conditions in Germany can often be expanded, while the information about the expenses and the vergütung is displayed. The food safety of the azubes depends heavily on the daring situation, and it is best to think urgently, the quality of the guarantee is certain, a very incorrect explanation of the Ausbildung is not necessary.

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