
Was it a metal gift and a burn-in-one?

Was it a metal gift and a burn-in-one?

WIf it is normal that we are no longer alive, then it is water, or the air, which started with metals. However, the topic of Schwermetalltoxizität today is always more Aufmerksamkeit gifted. What is best is a high degree of risk for Schwermetallbelastung with the fact that this is a human in the regular Schwermetallen expansion. Some metals were mixed with the composition of the minerals with minerals, and that is not a problem. If you have put metals on a low level, it is best to look in the kitchen and complete its presentation.

If you are looking for another one, a metal gift that should bring about continuous or extensive changes in your lifestyle and living style.

Metal for health

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Metal for health

A metal wire can be mixed in small quantities, but our correct function is not optimal. As an example, minerals such as iron and zinc are irreplaceable for our health.

Metal oxidation

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Metal oxidation

You can use the metal objects in the copper that cause toxic substances. If you want to be davone, that is the best metal for those who want silver or are highly toxic.


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Metal metals are usually at the height of the kitchen, or they can shift and eat. In this fall there can come a schwermetallvergiftung, and most people can get a gift.

Was Genoa a Schwermetall?

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Was Genoa a Schwermetall?

A Schwermetall is a substance containing metallic elements that has a high density in the representation. It occurs naturally in the environment vor.

Where do you find it?

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Where do you find it?

Man finds his place in Things, which can consume, which are the best life, medicine and after-treatment products.

Where do you find it?

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Where do you find it?

It is no longer the case that there is an end to the demand. The chemicals used in industry and agriculture use manchmal Schwermetalle, which are unwanted in our soils, our air and our water-dependents.

Examples of black metal

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Examples of black metal

Consists of Schwermetalle such as: Arsen, Kadmium, Chrom, Kupfer, Eisen, Blei, Mangan, Quecksilber, Nickel, Selen, Thallium and Zinc.

Symptom of poisoning

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Symptom of poisoning

A diagnosis of a metal disorder may occur when symptoms present, but also in other illnesses.

Symptom of poisoning

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Symptom of poisoning

You can deal with it all the time in the right way, scribbles in hands and feet, muskel swäche and more serious complications with heart rhythm disturbances and loss of thought.

Symptom of poisoning

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Symptom of poisoning

Other, harmful symptoms, it was another problem that could lead to problems, such as solving problems, stomach-intestinal problems, erruption and rupture.

Diagnose a Schwermetalltoxizität

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Diagnose a Schwermetalltoxizität

If you think that there is a black metal poisoning during your examination or a test for an abnormal black metal toxicity, there is one or more methods around you.

Fish and seafood

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Fish and seafood

Manchmal is already bitten, bis zu 48 Stunden vor dem Test keinen Fish or Schalentiere zu zehren. If all goes well, this Lebensmittel is often Quecksilber-enthalten.


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With Hilfe von Urin-, Blut- und Haarproben met der Gehalt und Schwermetalen im Körper messen. Manchmal können Metalle in hohen Konzentrationen available signal, which does not imply poisonous sin.

Heavy metal in the blood

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Heavy metal in the blood

If you have a high metal value in the blood, after you have reached a toxizit, you may be better informed, the contact with the Schwermetallen that you want to reduce/einzuschränken, one that you are looking for.

Silver metal in the family

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Silver metal in the family

The next time the test hinges further, if you look at the symptoms, it is possible that the metal will be affected by the symptoms. Bluttest vermitteln nicht immer the most final image.


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If you are regularly using metals from the study, you may be given the opportunity to perform the biomonitoring test. There is a problem in the Rule of Nur Empfohlen, when there is a toxic metal that is emitted.

Chelate therapy

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Chelate therapy

The Chelat-Therapy is a medicinal method for the treatment of Schwermetallen. The medicine is used or an injection is shown, it helps to extract the metals from the body.

Chelate therapy

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Chelate therapy

Manchmal is the Chelat-Therapie over a Tropf/IV (intravenous Leitung) extended. Chelat Therapy is a bigger problem and can now occur in the most severe cases.

A wellness trend?

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A wellness trend?

It is not that man has acquired a better Schwermetallkonzentratie. Nevertheless, there is also the benefit of a long-lasting, luminous tax that can benefit from a healthy income (that would result in a profitable gift) in Wellness-Kreisen.

Foodstuffs to be expelled

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Foodstuffs to be expelled

A potential of the burden by the metal parts of the regeneration of the ring, which are separated, was possible verzehren. Travel, and an unashamed brauner travel, takes after Arsen. Long large fish with greater authenticity Quecksilber. No biological pesticides (which are treated with pesticides) ensure that a larger amount of water contains a higher amount of metal-polluting substances, and alcohol longs for the heat of the water, the metal particles from the food to the gift.

Antioxidant range of Lebensmittel

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Antioxidant range of Lebensmittel

Because it is rich in antioxidants and has a high vitamin C value, the organism can be affected by the damage to the body caused by the metalworking industry.

Phytonaerobic substances

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Phytonaerobic substances

There are a few fruit and vegetable sorts that contain a secondary substance that has had a positive effect on the toxizit. Think of Knoblauch, Ingwer, grüner Tea, Trauben, Tomaten and Beeren.

Spirulina and coriander

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Spirulina and coriander

Dulse and Spirulina can help, the toxisitation of verringern. Coriander is one of the best products for the gift and disinfection of the material in the separation of metals with quacksilber and blue.

Dietary supplement

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Dietary supplement

There are the best aftercare products – such as glutathione, ALA or selenium – that support the gift of the buyers of Schwermetallen. If you are no longer aware of the fact that it is different, it first started with an Arzt statement.


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There are a few pre-chewed metals that bind the probiotic Schwermetalle with aluminum, arsenal, cadmium and blue and thus cause the separation in the intestinal system.


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Schwitzen is one of the best and most secure methods, one of the ways you can use the gift card. There is a big chance that lately schwitzen of the body can help in the separation of Schwermetallen.


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Another way that the gift is, is the Kidneys. Although it is not as effective as the separation by Schwitzen, one of the best things to give as a gift, the gift substance is in the real time from the kitchen of the game.

Aluminum plates

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Aluminum plates

If you get the chance to work with Schwermetalle in your home cabinet machines, you can use the best aluminum and anti-haft protection options by using stainless steel, ceramic, glass or gusset alternatives.

Welding Sie Ihre Wasserversorgung prüfen

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Welding Sie Ihre Wasserversorgung prüfen

If the washer in the Ihrem house has a natural trunk or if you use an alternative pipe in the Ihrem house, you can test the washer in the Ihrem house for Schwermetallgehalt.

Sources: (Health) (Healthline) (Medical News Today) (

Also interesting: Anti-Aging-Lebensmittel, die Zeit zurückdrehen