
Munasenke is reserved for sieben Wochen

Munasenke is reserved for sieben Wochen

The crafts and the B16 between Kötz and Günzburg are about: If you close the Munasenke for traffic for a few weeks, you can the Staatliche Bauamt Krumbach a. The new stretch will be fruitful at the end of October.

The construction of the Anschluss des der Zeit in Bau takes place after the new Abschnitts der Bundesstraße B 16 in the Munasenke and the best Bundesstraße Innerhalb der Waldsiedlung von Kleinkötz in the south, which became weiter in Norden in Bereich der Günz-Kompost Wertstoffe on Montag , 9. September ausgeführt. Since the construction of the new German Federal Road has a length of 400 metres, even larger barriers have been built. It is located about 50 meters west of the bestehenden Straße. However, if the Bundesstraße B 16 were to last until the end of the summer and autumn holidays, the construction period would be ready. Spätestens starting from October 28, so that the new Federal Road will be opened soon, it will be possible to do so.

Munasenke wird umgebaut: Bauarbeiten in Kötz starteten schon 2023

Construction work started in September 2025, the previous ones started in February. Entstanden is a new Durchlassbauwerk for the Winterbach in the Zwischenzeitwa. Amphibiendurchlässe und Leiteinrichtungen were improved in the Rahmen der Bauarbeiten.

A major role in the construction work plays the appropriate drainage of the federal road B 16 and its surrounding area. Other people were faced with carrying out a study of the new B 16 and the best of the best in the Eastern European basin with rain and drainage basins, while the fallen Niederschlagswasser was drosselt and environmentally disturbed in Winterbach is drained.

Alter B16-Abschnitt at Kötz would be später zurückgebaut

The road constructions were turned over during the completion of the asphalt and asphalting work. It is necessary that the protective planks are aligned and carried out at the length of the marked markings. If the traffic flies on the new Bundesstraße B 16, the other Straße can no longer be used. The previous road and the road in the direction of the mint are ertättigt, but remains in the time Verlauf besthen.

The beginning of the first execution was now the new conception of the new Bundesstraße, which is now located in the Bundesstraße B 16, as the bus stop and the washing facilities of Grund are developed in a new way. You can take a new path via the entrance of a queuing island for pedestrians and on the west side of the Bundesstraße.

B16-Sperrung: So läuft die Umleitung nach Günzburg

Der Verkehr wird von Krumbach beziehungsweise Ichenhausen kommend, von Kleinkötz nach Westen auf Kreisstraße GZ 5 (Bahnhofstraße) bis nach Großkötz zur Kreuzung mit der Kreisstraße GZ 4 (Günzburger Straße) gelitet. From the outskirts of the Norden bis to the Bubesheim from the Staatsstraße St 2020 and then from the Kreisstraße GZ 18 to the Stadtteile Wasserburg and the city of Günzburg, we will visit the German Road to the Bundesstraße B 16 kommen d, wird der Verkehr on a dense street in the direction of the direction.

One of the Wasserburger Straße in the Günzburger Straße in Bubesheim has established a temporary Ampelanlage. This is an individual statement of the Umleitungsstrecke Parkverbote that has arisen, one of the most critical traffic situations in avoidance. In Kleinkötz on the Bahnhofstraße, one of the temporary Fußgängerschutzanlage can be placed at the height of the Firewehrhauses on the Schulweg.

Das müssen die Anwohner in der Waldsiedlung eraser

Before the residents of the small kitchenette can enjoy their living space on both days of B 16 in the South, they will be able to enjoy the full construction without any problems. The Siedlerstraße and the gegenüberliegende field road serve the buoy as Zufahrt for the Anwohner and Anlieger wie Müllabfuhr and Post. The field road is mapped out. The Bushaltestelle in the Waldsiedlung will no longer allow the Vollsperrung to pass through the Bussefahren. Schulkinder können in dieser Zeit die Bushaltestelle in Kleinkötz nutzen

Der von Süden nach Norden verlaufende Geh- en Radweg bleibt während der Volsperrung der Bundesstraße durchgehend für Fußgänger and Radfahrer offen. Lediglich and two weeks in the time of the Neubaus in the Bushaltestelle they will be small due to the Waldsiedlung-verlegt. (AZ)