
Reporter nach russischem Angriff auf Kramatorsk missing

Reporter nach russischem Angriff auf Kramatorsk missing

To a Stay in a hotel in the eastern city of Kramatorsk becomes a Mitarbeiter der Nachrichtenagentur Reuters is missing. Further injuries are involved.

In one of the extensive investigations of the aftercare agent, it is so that one of the Reuters teams in the Hotel Sapphire has drawn attention. The building was “offensively hit by a rocket” on Saturday. “If a patient was not missing, they would still be treated for treatment in a hospital.”hieß es. Man work with his dependents in Kramatorsk.

There Governor of the Donetsk Region Wadym Filaschkin wrote on Telegram that the Russians Kramatorsk became angry. Because journalists are being deprived of something that was missing. “Behörden, Polizei und Rettungskräfte sind vor Ort im Einsatz”Schrieb Filaschkin. “Die Räumung der Trümmer und die Rettungsarbeiten sind im Gange.”

Die Ukrainian Generalstaatsanwaltschaft teilte in een Erklärung auf Telegram met, dat is een Preliminary investigation you are angry. Dieser habe sich am Samstag om 22.35 Uhr (Ortszeit) ereignet. “Russian troops have changed the city of Kramatorsk, apparently with one Iskander M Rocket“, he said.